Subjunctive Flashcards
It is possible that there be a storm
Es posible que haya tormenta
It was probable that it would happen that
Era probable que sucediera así
It may be that this boom lasts
Puede ser que este auge se prolongue
You were running the risk of them seeing
Corrías el riesgo de que te vieran/viesen .
Maybe (2)
tal vez
Maybe it was a real argument. Maybe
they were putting on an act for my
Tal vez fuera/fuese una discusión autentica. Tal
vez representaran/representasen una comedia en mi honor
Perhaps he should have gone (Le.
Tal vez debió irse
Perhaps we didn’t even start up a
Quizá ni siquiera entabláramos conversación
Perhaps it was sorrow that came through
in my father’s smile
Quizá fuera/fuese pena lo que se traslucía en la sonrisa de mi padre
Perhaps she’ll come tomorrow
Quizá/Tal vez venga mañana
(future indic, used)
Perhaps this is humanity’s true fate
Quiza éste sea el destino auténtico de la
Perhaps Spain will be able to playa
particularly active part in reestablishing
peace in Central Europe
Quizá España podrá desempeñar un papel
particularmente activo en el restablecimiento
de la paz en Europa Central
It was, perhaps, an effect of this policy
era, tal vez, un efecto de esta política
(if tal vez does not precede the verb, subj isn’t used)
Perhaps (literary)
perhaps it is true that (literary)
acaso sea verdad que
‘a generation that would perhaps never again be happy outside its portraits
una generación
que acaso no volviera a ser feliz fuera de sus retratos
Maybe (inf)
A lo mejor
Maybe we’ll meet some people we know
A lo mejor nos encontramos con gente conocida
(no subj for a lo mejor)
He didn’t even mention her. Maybe he’s
forgotten her
Ni siquiera la nombró. A lo mejor se ha
olvidado de ella
(no subj for a lo mejor)
Possibly they’ll arrive tomorrow
Posiblemente lleguen/llegarán mañana