Temporal And Infratemporal Fossae Flashcards
Interconnected spaces on the lateral side of head
Temp and infra temp fossae
Groove, depression or trench
Boundaries formed by
Bone and soft tissue
What’s invest wren the TF AND ITF
Zygomatic arch
Shape of ITF
IFT deep to what 2 structures
Masseter and Ramus of the mandible
Name the other parts of the head whose structures pass through the ITF
Cranial cavity
Pterygopalatine fossa, floor of oral cavity, and orbit, TF, superficial regions of the head
Four muscles of mastication.
Medial and lateral pterygoid
MOM that is lateral to the ITF
MOM in the ITF
Medial and lateral pterygoid
MOM fills the TF
7 bones that contribute to the boundaries of the TF AND ITF
Zygomatic Temporal Sphenoid Maxila and mandible Frontal and parietal
Which part of the temporal bone forms the bony framework of the TF and ITF
Which part of the temporal bone forms the posteromefial corner of the roof of the ITF
Tympanic part
Which part forms TMJ and articulates with the head of the mandible
Tympanic part
2 surface features that mark the lateral surface of the squamous part of the temporal bone on medial wall of the TF
Supramastoid crest
And groove for middle temporal artery
Transversely oriented and extends posteriorly from the base of the zygomatic process and marks posteroinferior border of the TF
Supramastoid crest
Vertically oriented surface feature
Groove for middle temporal artery
Branch of the superficial temporal artery
Middle temporal artery
2 features that form the TMJ on te inferior aspect of the root of the zygomatic process
Articular tubercle
Mandibular fossa
Posterior to the mandibular fossa
External auditory meatus
Flat concave plate of bone that forms part of the external auditory meatus
Tympanic part of temporal bone
Between tympanic and squamous part of temporal bone and can be seen if viewed inferiorly
Tympanosquamous fissure
Medially a small slip of bone from the petrous part of the temporal bone that insinuates itself into the TS fissure and forms
Petrotympanic fissure
What exits the skulls and enters the ITF through the PT fissure
Chorda tympani nerve
Parts of shpenoid that form framework of ITF
Lateral plate of the pterygoid process and greater wing
What part of spheroid forms the medial wall of TF
Greater wing of sphenoid
What parts of the sphenoid forms the roof of the ITF
Inferior and lateral surfaces of the Greater wing
Sharply angled boundary between the lateral and inferior surfaces if the greater Wong
Infratemporal crest
2 apertures at the base of the greater wing and what passes through them
and one foramina
Foramen ovale - mandibular nerve
Foramen spinosum- middle meningeal artery
Emissary foramina - emissary veins (to pterygoid plexus to cavernous sinus )
Irregularly shaped and medial to Foramen spinosum
Spine of sphenoid
Attachment site for cranial end of the sphenandibualar ligament
Spine of sphenoid
What attaches to the spine of sphenoid
Cranial end of the sphenomandibular ligament
Vertically oriented sheet of bone tags projects poster plateau from the pterygoid process and provide POA for the pterygoid muscles
Lateral plate of the pterygoid process
POSTERIOR surface of the maxilla contributes to the
Anterior wall of the ITF
Anterior wall of ITF is marked by
A Foramen for the posterior alveolar nerve and vessels
Quadrangular shaped bone that forms bony prominence of the cheeks
Zygobatic bone
3 process that extend from the zygomatic bone
Maxillary process
Fontal process
Temporal process
One or more small foramina on the surface of the plate where it attaches to the frontal process
Zygomaticotemporal foramina
Part of mandible that is Quadrangular in shape
Ramus of the mandible
Processes at the ROM
Condylar and coronoid
Lateral surface of the ROM is POA for
Masseter muscle
Posterior and inferior borders of ROM form
Angle of mandible
Subeditor border so notched to form
Mandibular notch
Anterior border of ROM is sharp and is continuous below
Oblique line
Flat triangular process that POA for Temporalis muscle
Coronoid process
Pos and sup borders make the
Condylar process
Condylar process consists of
Head of mandible
Neck of mandible
Shallow depression on the neck of mandible
Pterygood fovea
Med surface of the RAM forms which wall of ITF
Most distinctive feature of the lateral wall of ITF
Mandibular Foramen
Superior opening of the mandibular canal and what passes through it ?
Mandibular Foramen and inferior alveolar nerve and vessels
Triangular elevation for the atachment of the MANDIBULAR end of the sphenomandibular ligament
Elongate groove that extends anteoinferiorly from the mandibular Foramen
Mylohyoid groove with nerve to Mylohyoid
Roughened surface of ROM for attachment of
Medial pterygoid muscle
Movements that are made possible by the TMJ
Side to side movement
Complex chewing
Opening and closing of the mouth
TMJ formed between what 3 structures
Articular fossa
Head of mandible
Articulate tubercle of T bone
How does the TMJ differ from other synovial joints
What divides the TMJ it into 2 parts
Lower part - elavatopn and depression
Upper part - protrusion or retraction
Opening of the mouth involves
Protrusion and depression
What lines the articular surfaces of the joint capsule
Synovial membrane
What encloses the TMJ OF the joint capsule
Fibrous membrane
3 extra capsular ligaments associated to the TMJ
Ligament that is closest to the joint
Lateral ligament
Medial to the TMJ, runs from spine of sphenoid
SPmn log
Passes from the styloid process
Movements of the mandible
Depression elevation protrusion retraction
Muscles that protrude the mandible
Lateral pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
Mylohyoid muscles
Powerful movement if the mandie
All muscles that move TMJ are Innervation by and EXCEPT
Mandibular nerve
Except the Geniohyoid - c1 spinal nerve
Powerful muscle of mastication
Shape of Masseter
Innervation of Masseter
Masseteric nerve from mandibular nerve
Supply for the Masseter muscle
Masseteric artery from maxillary artery
Narrow fan shaped space covers lateral surface of the skull
Temporal fossa
Upper margin of the temporal fossa is defined by
2 superior and inferior temporal lines
Temporal fossa is Limited laterally by
Temporal fascia
Fan shaped app neurosis that overlies the Temporalis muscle
Temporal fascia
Major structure is the TF
Other structures that pass through TF
Zygotemp nerves
Large fan shaped muscle
Powerful elevator of the mandible
Function of Temporalis
Side to side movement
Innervation of Temporalis
Deep tenporal nerves
Supply to Temporalis
Middle temporal artery and deep temporal arteries
Nerves usually 2 in number originate form the anterior trunk of the mandibular nerve
Deep temporal nerves
Supply the skin of the TEMPLE and passes through the TF
Zygatomaticotemporal nerves branch of zygomatic nerve from maxillary nerve
Usually 2 in number and originate from the maxillary artery
Deep temporal arteries
Originates from superficial temporal artery just superior to the Zygomatic arch
Middle temporal artery
Nerves and vessels of the TF
2 deep temporal nerves from mandibular nerve
Zygomaticotemporal nerves from zygomatic nerve from maxillary nerve
2 deep temporal arteries from maxillary artery
Middle temporal artery from superficial temporal artery
Wedge shapes space inferior to TF
Roof of ITF has
Foramen spinosum and ovale and Petrotympanic fissure
Lateral wall of the ITF
Mandibular Foramen
Medial wall of ITF
Pterygomaxillary fissure
Muscles in the medial wall of the ITF Which are the 2 muscles of the soft palate
Tensor veli palatini
Levator veli palatini
Anterior wall of ITF
Alveolar Foramen and infra orbital fissure of the orbit
7 Major contents of the ITF
Sphenomandibular ligament, med and lat pterygoid , Max artery
Mandibular nerve , glossopharyngeal nerve and pterygoid plexus of veins
Quadrangular muscle with deep and superficial heads
Medial pterygoid
Quadrangular muscle with deep and superficial parts
Innervation of med pterygoid
Nerve to medial pterygoid from mandibular nerve
Thick triangular muscle with upper and lower head
Lat pterygoid
Major protruder of the Lowe jaw
Lat pterygoid
Innervation if lat pterygoid
Nerve to lateral pterygoid from mandibular nerve
When both lat and med P contract on one side
Chin moves to the oppsiye side
Largest of 3 div of trigeminal nerve
Ophthalmic and maxillary are
Mandibular nerve function
Both motor and sensory
V3 carries sensory Innervation from
The gingivae of mandible
Anterior 23rds of tongue
Lower lip
Skin over temple and lower face and part of cranial dura mater
v3 motor Innervation to
Most of the muscles that move mandible and tensor veli palatini and tensor tympani
Branches of the mandibular nerve
1 )Small meningeal branch
2) anterior trunk:
4branches : buccal (s), nerve to lat pterygoid (m), deep temporal n, masseteric nerve
3) posterior trunk:
(3s) inferior alveolar( to nerve to Mylohyoid) , Auriculotemporal, lingual
Major sensory branch if the posterior trunk of the v3
Lingual nerve
Function of lingual nerve
General sensation of ant 23rds of tongue , oral mucosa, lingual gingivae
What makes the lingual nerve in danger during procedures
LN enters Oral Cavity between POSATCH of Mylohyoid ms to the Mylohyoid line & the ATCH of sup constrictor of the pharynx to the pterygomandibular raphe.
As it enters the floor of the ORCAV, it is in a shallow Groove on medsurfofMAND immediately inferior to the last molar tooth,and is palpable through the oral mucosa and in danger when operating the MOLAr teth and gingivae
Lingual nerve passes into tongue on hypoglossus muscle and attaches to
Submandibular ganglion
Anotherajor sensory branch of the posterior trunk of v33
Inferior alveolar nerve
Function of inf alveolar n
Innervates all lower teeth and associated gingivae, skin of Lower lip and chin.
Motor - Mylohyoid muscle and ant belly of Digastric muscle
Extraction of molar teeth can be difficult because
The mandibular canal contains the inf alv nerve and is inf to the roots of the molars which curve around he canal
Branches of the inf alveolar nerve and what they innervate
1) inferior alveolar nerve - 3 molars and 2nd PM
2) incisive nerve - 1st PM, incisor, canine and related gingivae
3) mental nerve - lower lip and chin
Which nerve is palpable through oral mucosa adjacent to the roots of pm teeth
Mental nerve
Branches of 2 cranial nerves that join the mandibular nerve in the ITF
Chorda tympani from facial nerve and lesser petrosal nerve (from tympanic plexus - glossopharyngeal nerve )
What two nerves Casey taste from the ant 23rds of tongue
Lingual nerve from v3 and chorda tympani from facial
Nerve that mainly carries parasympathetic fibers to parotid gland
Lesser petrosal nerve
anesthesia widely practiced by dentist
Inf alv nerve
Other nerves that can be used to anesthetize
Infra orbital
Largest branch of the external carotid artery in the neck and supples NASAL CAV ORAL CAV teeth dura mater of cranial cavity and ITF PPF
Maxillary artery
Max artery goes through the
Pterygomaxillary fissure
Branches of the max artery
1st part (between neck of man and spheman lig)–/ middle meningeal
Inferior alveolar arteries
Small- deep auricular, anterior tympanic, accessory meningeal branches
2nd part (lat pterygoid) –/ deep temporal, masseteric, buccal, pterygoid branches
Largest artery of the meningeal vessels and supplies dura mater
Middle meningeal artery
If mma is injured it results in a
Extradural hematoma
Supplies all lower teeth and gingivae and chin and lower lip
Inferior alveolar artery
What connects the pterygoid plexus to the cavernous sinus
Emissary veins
Route by which infections can spread to cranial cavity through teeth
Emissary veins
Because of no valves in the veins of the head and neck, a esthetics can back flow into the
Tissues and cranial cavity
Pterygoid plexus connects
Posteriorly small maxillary vein with retromandibular vein
Anteriorly , deep facial Vein with facial vein
Four Quadrangular structures in TF and ITF
Medial pterygoid
Ramus of mandible
Zygomatic bone
3 fan shaped structures
Temporal fascia
Temporal fossa