Tempo, Metre & Rhythm Flashcards
Simple time
2/4, 3/4, 4/4 etc the beats are in crotchets/ not dotted.
Compound time
Know as dotted rhythms:
6/8, 9/8, 12/8 etc.
Held back
Slowing down. Similar to ritardando but with more of a rolling stop effect. Lazy deceleration that has less drama than a rit.
A pause (extra breath).
Gradually getting faster.
Off the beat/ the 4th &2nd beat are emphasised.
Antecedent phrase
Question phrase
Consequent phrase
Answering phrase.
There are two types of rhythmic hemiolas: horizontal hemiola, which is a singular rhythmic pattern, and vertical hemiola, where multiple rhythms are performed together.
Syncopated beats: 2 beats in the time of 3 & 3 beats in the time of 2
The effect of 2 conflicting rhythms heard together.
Poly rhythm
More than one rhythm playing at the same time with different pulses (& could also have different time signatures).
There is a “sameness of rhythm in all parts” or “very similar rhythm” as would be used in simple hymn or chorale settings. All voices sing the same rhythm. This texture results in a homophonic texture, which is a blocked chordal texture.