Temples Flashcards
Parthenon - North metopes
Trojan war
Parthenon - East metopes
Battle of Gods and Giants
Parthenon - South metopes
Centaurs vs. Lapiths
Parthenon - West metopes
Athenians vs Amazons
Parthenon - West pediment (the back)
Contest of Athena and Poseidon
Parthenon - East pediment (the front)
Birth of Athena
The parthenon:
The Acropolis - In Athens (for athena)
Doric order (with ionic frieze)
Zeus at Olympia - East Pediment
Zeus in the middle
Pelops and Oinomaous
Zeus at Olympia - West Pediment
Lapiths vs. Centaurs
Apollo in the middle
Zeus at Olympia - 12 Metopes
The 12 labours of herakles
Last one was Augean stables as i refers to Olimpia
What were the Hiereus and Hiereia
The were Priests
What were a Pontifices
- there were 15 men
- Headed by the Pontifex maximus
- They protected temples, regulated burials and inheritance laws and supervised the religious calendar
What was the Pontifex maximus
- In charge of the Pontifices and Vestal Virgins
- It was a role for life
- Was elected by existing pontifices until Augustus then it was just the emperor
What was an Augar
- They read the flight of birds to tell whether or not the gods approved of certain things
What was a Haruspex
- They read the entrails of the sacrificial animals to tell whether the sacrifice was good
What were the Vestal Virgins
- there were 6 of them
- They kept the sacred flame alight, made mola salsa and guarded important state documents
- Were chosen age 6-10 and worked for 30 years
The pantheon
Built: 118-125
Dedicated: All gods of Pagan Rome
Feature: Had a hole in the top (Oculus) to shilne light on every god
Round to tribute all gods + look grand
Temple of Portunus
Built: 120-80
Dedicated: God of gates and harbours
Purpose: Thanks for safety reaching harbour and asking for good trade