Why is temperature important?
It influences aircraft performance (how efficient the engines are, altitude we can fly at etc). Indicates likelihood of icing etc.
How does temperature affect the atmosphere?
Unequal heating within the atmosphere drives the “weather machine” by setting up pressure gradients that give us wind and frontal systems.
How to convert F to C
C = (F-32) x5/9
Define Solar radiation
Short wavelength, high energy radiation from the sun that heats the earth/atmosphere.
Define terrestrial radiation
Long wavelength, low energy radiation emitted by the earth back into the atmosphere and space.
Describe the balance of solar and terrestrial radiation
For earths temperature to remain at 15deg, incoming solar radiation must balance outgoing terrestrial radiation.
How has global warming affected the balance between solar and terrestrial radiation?
Increase of CO2 in the atmosphere increases absorption of outgoing terrestrial radiation, causing atmosphere to warm up.
Describe how solar & terrestrial radiation affects daily temperature;
-lowest temp?
- balance during the day?
- highest temp?
- Long wave terrestrial radiation occurs all night, meaning the lowest temperature is reached just after dawn (nil incoming short wave radiation at this point).
- Solar radiation increases with the sun’s elevation.
- As the ground warms however, the rate of loss by long wave radiation also increases.
- After midday, short wave intensity starts to decrease, long wave is increasing, two rates become equal 3 hours after midday, this is the time of Max temp.
How does latitude affect air temperature?
Equator vs poles?
At the equator, midday rays from the sun strike the earth almost perpendicular = maximum heating & high daily temps.
At the poles, the sun angle (even in summer), is very low, heating is therefore low & results in cold temps.
How does air temperature affect the seasons?
Equator vs poles?
Equator: regardless of the time of year, the sun beats down & therefore temp changes across the seasons aren’t so stark = “wet” & “dry” season.
Poles: Sun in below the horizon for the winter months, temp falls rapidly as terrestrial radiation continues regardless with no solar radiation to offset.
Therefore, the temp gradient between the south poe & equator are much greater in the winter.
How do strong winds affect air temperature?
The diurnal variation (daily fluctuation) of air temp tends to be greater when winds are calm. Strong winds promote mixing, the gain of heat by day and loss by night occurs through a greater depth in the atmosphere and therefore there is less range in temp.
How does wind direction affect air temp
Southerly = cold, northerly = warm (SH)
How does cloud cover affect air temperature?
Daily fluctuation of temp range is reduced as the cloud layer will reflect incoming solar radiation during the day, reducing daytime temps. At night, it will absorb the outgoing terrestrial radiation & re-radiate this back down to earths surface keeping night time temps warmer.
How does coastal vs. inland location affect daily temperature?
Sea surface temps are slow to change. Temps near the coast will therefore be cooler by day, and warmer by night.
Inland temps can be more extreme (high during the day, lower at night) without the tempering effect of the sea.
How does surface type affect air temperature?
Different surfaces will heat up at different rates - mostly due to their colour. darker surfaces will generally heat up quicker.