Tema 3 - La Celula Flashcards
Cual es la función de las Lisomas?
Un tipo de vesícula, ayudan con la digestion celular. Tienen enzimas hidrolicticas que se activan en un medio ácido. Estás enzimas ayudan a degradar macromoléculas como proteínas, lípidos, núcleos ácidos, etc.
In procaryotic cells , how is genetic material arranged and located?
one big molecule , circular shape. Located in the nuceleoide
In eucaryotic cells, how is the genetic material arranged and located?
Unified to proteins, es lineal, double helix shape, in the nucleus surrounded by a double membrane
de donde vinieron las celulas eucariontes? como se llama la teoria evolutiva
evolved from procaryotes where the bigger cells engulfed the smaller cells. instead of being digested, the smaller cells lived inside the bigger cells, and evolved to organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts, which is where evidence comes from. Theory is called teoria endosimbiotica
funcion y estructura de los ribosomas
- síntesis de proteína, amino ácidos se forman para hacer proteínas
- tienen dos subunidades cada una formada por rRNA, y proteinas. las subunidades se unen al movimiento del protein synthesis.
funcion y estructura de las vesiculas
- muchos tipos de vesículas
- forma de sac
- almacenamiento y transportacion de materiales afuera y adentro de la celula
cuales organelas son parte del sistema endomembrana
Lisosomas, ER, Golgi , Vesiculas
funciones y estructura de ER ( reticulo endoplasmatico )
- la parte mas grande del sistema endomámbreano
- una red de sacos doblados
- donde se producen proteínas y lípidos para si mismo y el resto de la célula
what is the function and structure of the RER? (rugoso)
- rough and with ribosomes attached
- makes proteins
- present in all cells, and in greater quantity in cells that produce large amounts of exportation proteins.
what is the function and structure of the REL? (liso)
- smooth and no ribosomes attached
- sinthesizes lipids
- participates in detox processes
if a protein needs to travel outside of the cell…. what is the process ?
- protein will begin to be created in free ribosomes
- protein will travel endomembrana system, where the attached RER ribosomes will finish making it, then travel to golgi through vesicle…. etc
funcion y estructura del golgi
- bolsas o cisternas membranosas, flat and on top of eachother
- surrounded by tubules and proteins
- modifies, packs, and distributes proteins
- two faces, cis (entrance) trans ( exit) and a central cisterna
how does a protein or lipid move through the golgi ?
will enter through cis entrance by transport vesicles coming from RE, will modify etc and then exit through the trans face, in their appropiate vesicle to the cell membrane for exit or to other organelles etc.
Function and structure of lisosomas
- type of vesicle formed in golgi
- digestion
- carry hydrolictic enzymes which activate en un medio acido.
- these enzymes help degrade macromolecules like proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and polysacharides.
- contains bombas en su membrana que tiran H+ adentro de la vesicula para maneter el ph acidico.
function and strucure of peroxisomas
- type of vesicle
- single membrane
- contains enzimas oxidativas
- degrades fatty acids to release energy
- due to this degration, peroxide forms which is toxic to cells
- other enzymes (catalase) present in peroxisomas will break up the peroxide to form water and oxgen.
function and structure of mitocondrias
- degrade organic molecules to release chemical energy for cell respiration/function, input oxygen and glucose and ouputs atp , water etc.
- double membrane
- contain some of thei rown dna, and split in cell division by binary fision
diferencias entre el anabolismo y el catabolismo
- fomacion de sustancias complejas de sustancias simples
- atp consumed
- endothermic (not spontaneous)
- degradacion de sutsnaicas complejas a sustancias simples
- atp produced
exothermic (spontaneous)
funcion del citoesqueleto
- mantiene la organizacion de la celula y sus organelas
- permite que la celula pueda moverse por adentro y por afuera
estructura del citoesqueleto
filamentos intermedios
microfilamentos( de actina)
estructura de los microtubulos
- largos tubos , fomados por dimeros de la proetina tubulina alfa y beta
- participan en el movimiento de cromosomas en divison celular , y en movimiento de organelas dentro del citoplamsa
estructura de los filamentos intermedios
- multiple dif proteins
- abundant en celulas epiteliales nerviosas y msuculares
- most stabel and durable filament
estructura de los microfilamentos
- made up of actin g glubular protein
-when multiple actin g come tgt they form a spiral known as actin f - strong and thin
- act in cell division, separating into 2 daughter cells
- help maintain shape of cell
- help in contracting of muscle cells
how does the citoskeleton help the cell move?
- Cilia and flagella move as a result of microtubules sliding along eachother
- microtubules help move whats inside the cell and the cell itself
- motor structures , cilia and falgella, formed by proteins and microtubules
difference between cilia and flagella
cilia : shorter but greater quantity
flagella : longer but lesser quantity