Telomeres Flashcards
why have linear chromosomes
big advantage for genetic diversity
>independent assortment of chromosomes
crossover forms between non-sister homologues in meiosis I
circular chromosomes in meiosis:
1 CO:
>makes one big circle out of the two smaller circle homologues
>will produce random breaks in separation
>deletion/duplication on chromosomes, free DNA ends - problems
needs to have an even number of crossovers
but distinguishing if even or odd no. of chromosomes is mechanistically hard
easier to have linear chromosomes that can be fine with any number of crossovers as their ends are not connected
natural ends vs breaks
intact circular chromosome - no free ends
so any free DNA ends in cell would be detected as DNA damage
linear chromosomes - natural ends
dont want to recognise these as DNA damage
should not repair these
and if there is a break in addition to these -need to distinguish the natural end telomeres and the break
telomeres dont activate DNA damage response
and are protected from the repair enzymes (keeps them stable)
mixing up telomeres and broken DNA ends
broken fork that doesnt replicate all the way to end
have one shorter sister as result - doesnt end in telomere sequences
correct repair:
>invade sister and use as template to correctly repair up to end - restores telomere at end and any missing genetic info
incorrect repair:
>fork doesnt reach end - broken end
>and a telomere is recognised as a DNA end for repair
>telomere ligated to broken end via NHEJ
>new technically dicentric chromosome structure (see dia)
>the two centromeres can be pulled to separate poles in anaphase
>creates random break
>these new broken ends can be attached to something random again
>BFB cycles
>big genetic instability
other wrong option:
>broken end from broken fork is treated as a telomere and acter upon by telomerase (can be active in cancers too)
>will create a terminal deletion that will never be repaired
>permanent loss of genetic info
Telomere structural function
give the telomeres a v different sequence to any other location on the chromosome
usually repeats
>inverted repeats
>short tandem repeats
very end structure examples:
-hairpin loop
-5’ end protein covalently bound
-3’ ss overhang
-5’ ss overhang
evolve proteins to recognise this unique telomeric sequence and bind it (only at the telomeres)
this keeps only the telomeres hidden from DNA repair machinery
basic classes of Telomere binding proteins TBPs
bind only the telomeres due to their unique telomeric sequences
2 classes in almost every organism:
- recognise telomeric DNA in double stranded form
- recognise telomeric DNA in single stranded form
the telomeric proteins that directly bind DNA are essential as w/out them the DNA cannot be hidden at all from repair enzymes (even if the 2’ binding proteins are all present)
budding yeast TBPs
3’ overhang at end
trimeric TBP complex on the ssDNA
on the dsDNA before the 3’ overhang:
Rap1 binds DNA
Rif1 and 2 bind Rap1
human TBPs
3’ overhang (present in basically all vertebrates and budding yeast)
homology for the ss 3’ overhang exists within the dsDNA earlier in sequence
get invasion of the overhang into the dsDNA
forms a T-loop
POT1 complex on ssDNA
shelterin complex on the dsDNA
unlike B yeast Rap1 doesnt bind the DNA directly
instead TRF2 dimer binds the DNA
-Tln2 dimer
-Trf1 dimer
forms shelterin hexamer
Rap1 binds TRF2
Fission yeast TBP
3’ overhang too
like humans -Rap1 doesnt directly bind DNA
instead Taz1 does
Rif1 and Rap1 bind Taz1
like humans Pot1 binds ssDNA
no invasion/T-loop though
Plants TBPs
Blunt end telomere
no overhang
Trf-Like protein dimers bind the dsDNA
no ssDNA binders as no ssDNA
dsBreak checkpoint activation + repair
Ku + Lig4 act to ligate broken DNA ends back together
or HR
more complex/faithful
>nuclease digest 5’ ends
>gives ss 3’ overhangs
>RPA binds ss DNA (binds any ssDNA in cell)
>ssDNA bound RPA normally only exists v transiently during replication but then is replicated to dsDNA vfast
>in DNA damage - RPA bound longer - triggers DNA damage response and cell cycle arrest via Mec1 kinase
Mec1 kinase DNa damage checkpoint activation
Ddc1-Mec3-Rad17 trimer ring
and Mec1 kinase
both localise to same place on damage via RPA
Rad9/Rad53 complex recruited and phosphorylated - triggers HR response and cell cycle arrest
v important that RPA does not bind telomeres to trigger this
or cell will get stuck in arrest forever
budding yeast: telomere binding - TBPs vs RPA
TBP complexes (eg Ten1-Stn1-cdc13) have much higher affinity to the ssDNA at the telomere than RPA does
will always outcompete it
>inhibits RPA recruitment of Mec1/Ddc1-Mec3-Rad17
>inhibits triggering of repair/arrest
TBP complexes cannot bind ssDNA at breaks
RPA has no competition here
free to bind it
Human TBP protection of telomeres
TBP hiding of the end prevents NHEJ machinery
shelterin on the dsDNA prevents 5’ resection to form 3’ ssOverhang
RPA outcompeted by Pot complex at the ssDNA
Trf2 - dsDNA binding component of shelterin
delete Trf2
- telomeres become ligated together via NHEJ
trains of chromosomes fused end to end
multiple centromeres on these
BFB cycles begin after next mitosis
long v short telomeres
long telomeres have more sequence for more TBPs to bind
better protection
if telomere v short
not many TBPs bound
not v well protected
>TBPs bind dynamicallly (as any other non-covalent protein interaction)
>some protein coming off at any given time
>with more proteins present - some come off but many still present to protect
>with fewer - TBP comes off - less TBP left on as much shorter telomere - better chance for repair machinery to recognise the telomere and create new telomere-telomere fusions
shorter telomeres have higher change of repair machinery recognising them than longer telomeres
dont necessarily need all of telomere to be gone to lose protection
short telomeres and BFB cycles
have two sisters w short telomeres
since v close together - 2 badly protected telomeres close together
repair machinery recognises telomere
needs something to fuse it to
sister v nearby
more likely fuses sister telomeres
dicentric stucture
sister chromatids attemptef to be pulled apart
anaphase bridge forms between poles
DNA decompacts and random dsBreak
-material lost on one chromosome
-duplicated on other one
these random ends are not telomeres
are sticky ends
can randomly fuse by repair machinery to another dsBreak/Telomere
creates another dicentric structure
BFB cycle
characteristic of cancer cells and generates
end replication problem
problem of complete DNA replication of a linear dsDNA molecule
leading strand replicated completely to end
lagging strand done via okazaki fragments
fragments can begin a bit further from exact end
but even if on end directly - there is an RNA primer which must be removed
-leaves a 3’ overhang as lagging strand 5’ doesnt reach end of template
this would cause shortening of chromosomes over time
but has to be mechanism against it because eukaryotes w linear chromosomes have existed for bnyrs