MTs (incl. Cilia + Centromeres/Centrioles) Flashcards
Gamma tubulin ring complex
MT filament destabilisation
GTP hydrolysis
leads to GDP tubulin
longitudinal interactions in GDP-Tub curve the protofilament
MAPs can temper the dynamic instability allowing rescue
so grow and shrink all the time
MT polarity
Beta tubulin exposed at plus end
+ and - ends give polarity to filament
motors can go diff directions
MT polarity use in diff cells
see radial MTs coming from centrosome
epithelial cells:
eg gut
apical toward lumen
basolateral to bloodstream
columns of MTs with - end at apical
trafficking from apical to basolateral
minus to cell body
plus to dendrites
chromosome segregation
cell trafficking
need to organise MTs for this
MT organising centres
(or MT nucleation sites)
used to organise MT directionality
MT nucleation in cells
tubulin conc in cells at level that MTs dont spontaneously assemble
but have nucleation sites that can allow them to assemble below Critical Conc
localise this to one place in cell-specifically nucleates MTs where needed
CENTROSOME does this
(purified centrosomes can nucleate MTs below conventional CC)
centrosome = an MTOC
Gamma tubulin
3rd familiy of tubulin protein
localised to centrosome
in the Pericentriolar material around centrioles
Isolating Gamma TuRC
Density gradient separation
gamma tubulin sediments lower than a and b tub (heterodimer) (see in western blot of fractions)
exists in much larger complex
Pull out complex w IP or affinity purification to see other components of this complex
Complex promotes better MT nucleation at same conc of pure tubulin
Gamma TurC nucleation model
rings in complex structure with g-tub at top that interacts w a and b tubs
allows bringing together of AB heterodimers into filament better than just pure heterodimers
overcomes kinetic barrier for MT formation - so can start at lower than CC conc
Creates MTOCs by being localised to specific point in cell
Members of G-TuRC complex
IP of gamma tubulin
found GCP proteins - have gamma tubulin grip protein domain(s)
density gradient sedimentation + western blot
all co-sediment at same distance as g-tubulin
GCP2/3 form smaller complex
Gamma-TuSC (small complex)
cannot nucleate MTs on own
smaller Gamma TuSCs make up some of gamma-TuRC
Cryo-EM for finding structure
look at complex structure by EM
take class average to reduce noise in image of one complex
look at different average images of many complexes
taken at diff angles
can add these up to compute 3D shape
G-TuSC structure
V/Y shape
GCP2 one arm
GCP3 the other
gamma-tubulin at each lobe at arms’ ends
Gamma-TuRC structure
extended Flowers seen in vitro via recombinant proteins
helical symmetry - artifact of in vitro formation but allowed many angles to be seen to build image
GCP2/3 V shapes (Gamma-TuSCs) assembling together w G-Tub at ends
makes up the Gamma-TuRC
in metazoans:
other GCPs exist in TuRC too
GCP4 - made of GRIP motifs
similar structure to GCP2/3
GRIPs make up core-give structure
sirface residues may change but grip is conserved - so all GCPs likely have similar bent finger structure
different types of G-TuRCs in diff organisms
budding yeast = no GCP4,5,6 so cant ahce this
TuRCs just from GCP4,5,6
Fission yeast: has Mzt1 (essential) and GCP4,5,6
-4 GCP2/3 TuSCs
-next pair GCP4/5
-next is GCP4/6
-then one more GCP2/3
makes up stalks 1-14 (7 v shaped GCP pairs)
makes one turn
this localises GCP4/5/6 to one side of ring, not radially distributed
Non GCP/tubulin proteins in the TuRC
single actin molecule in centre of cone
tiny Mozart (Mzt1) protein
essential for MT nucleation
sits at TuRC base
many other proteins other than GCPs involved in TuRC formation
Issues with this model of the TuRC
Cyo-EM not perfect at structure identification
electron densities can have ambiguity between proteins (cant assign to specific one)
possible to misalign things if not everything present there is known
Gamma-TuRC constructed here is not seen to be radially symmetrical
but MTs are
possibly some conformational change needed to put TuRC in right shape to form Rad-symmetric MT
some organisms lack some of these components
-B yeast - no Mzt1 or GCP4,5,6
-F yeast has both of these and Mzt1 is essential
-Drosophila- Mzt1 non-essential (just causes fertility issues as is expressed in testes)
these studies also looked at cytosolic Gamma-TuRC
could have conformational change when localised where it needs to be - harder to study
exists in Pericentriolar material of centrosomes around the centriole
involved in recruitment of g-TuRC
eg as cells enter mitosis from interphase
-also involves CDK5RAP2
KO pericentrin - MTs not well organised at spindle pole anymore as g-TuRC localisation to pericentrolar area is not happening
human pericentin mutations
cause specific types of dwarfism
MOPD II/Seckel syndrome
primordial dwarfism-from beginning of development unlike pituitary growth hormone based dwarfism
small head
learning disability
due to patients having less cells
lack of increasing cell no. during development
organ development roughly in line but just less cells