Telecom Exam 2 Flashcards
TCP: Transport Layer // Reliable transmission of Data
UDP: Transport Layer // Fast, connectionless oriented
IP: Network Layer // 32bit
Application to Transport : FTP (app) TCP 21
TCP: SYN - SYN-ACK - ACK = establishes session
UDP: sends msgs without establishing session
Internet Addressing
Send messages from Source to Destination
ICANN, hardware vendors, sysadmins, can be translated from layer to layer
CIDR = Classless InterDomain Routing
Resolving Adress
Translate host names to IP addresses URL // APP IP // NET MAC // DATA-LINK arp = IP to MAC
Function of a Router
Identify the path for a packet to take
Dynamic Routing
Info exchanged using routing protocols to update tables
Link State: hops, speed, congestion == more reliable
Distance Vector: hops
BGP == Distance
3 Switch Modes
Store and Forward == frames transmitted after frame is error checked // Slower but few errors
Cut through Switching == frames retransmitted as soon as destination address read // low latency-capacity wasted
Fragment-free switching == reads header and transmits if no errors // compromise between the two
Hubs, Switches, APs
Hub Ethernet vs Switch Ethernet
Carrier Sense CS : listen to determine if another pc is transmitting
Multiple Access MA: many devices have access to transmit on the network medium
Collision Detection CD: Collisions occur when multiple devices transmit at the same time // if collision detected, wait some time
Wired vs Wireless
Wireless uses CSMACA instead of CD
Performance of a LAN
Backbone Network
Access Layer –> Distribution Layer –> Core Layer
Lan segmentation so that it becomes based on logical design
Better traffic flow - subnetting
complex - l3 switches expensive
Circuit Switched Network