Tehran/Yalta/Potsdam Conference Flashcards
When and where did the Tehran Conference take place
November - December 1943 -Iran
What was agreed at the Tehran Conference
(Opening of…,body)
Leaders would open a Second Front in the Western Europe, which would involve invasion of Nazi-occupied France
Also agreed that an international body would be setup to settle future disuputes between countries - Sets the scene for the establishment of the United Nations
What was agreed at the Tehran Conference
(Boundaries post defeat)
Boundaries of Poland would be moved westwards. Poland would gain territory from Germany and lose it to the Soviet Union
Soviet Union pledged to join the war against Japan after the defeat of Germany
When did the Yalta conference take place
February 1945
When did the Yalta conference take place
February 1945
What was agreed at the Yalta conference
Europe would be rebuilt along the lines of the Atlantic Charter, countries would have democratic elections, UN would be set up
What was agreed at the Yalta conference
(Decleration of war, Poland)
Soviet Union would declare war on Japan once Germany was defeated
Poland would be in the ‘Soviet Sphere of Influence’ but ran on a broader democratic basis
When was the Potsdam Conference
July/August 1945
What was agreed at the Potsdam conference
(Foreign Ministers,banned)
A council of Foreign Ministers was set up to organise the rebuilding of Europe
Nazi Party was banned and war criminals were to be prosecuted
What was agreed at the Potsdam conference
(Germany,Berlin, 25%)
Germany was to be reduced in size and divided into four zones at occupation run by Britiain, France, USA and S.U
Berlin was also to divided up into zones of occupation
S.U was to recieve 25% of the output from the other three occupied zones
Who attended the Tehran conference
Who attended the Yalta conference
Who attended the Potsdam conference
What was disagreed on at Tehran
Soviet Union sought substantial reparations from Germany, while the Western Allies expressed concerns about the impact on post-war recovery and stability
Briefly what was agreed and disagreed upon at Tehran
Britain and USA invading Europe May 1944
USSR help defeat Japanese
USSR gain land from Poland
New international body
Decision about Germany
Briefly what was agreed upon at Yalta
Germany/Berlin split
Nazi prosecution
USSS confirmed help against Japan
When was the Atomic bomb dropped and why did this shock Stalin
Day after Potsdam conference began
Stalin was not warned
Briefly what was agreed at Potsdam
UN established
Council of FN oversee agreements to end war
Denazification of Germany
Germany reduced in size and split
Why did Soviet Union receive 25% of the output from the other three zones
Stalin was assigned the lest wealthy part of Germany
Why did tensions increase at the Potsdam conference
Stalin wanted to share occupation of Japan once they surrendered but Truman refused
Stalin started to back out of the initial promises of the initial promises for free elections of Soviet occupied nations - began to install communist governments