TEG test Flashcards
What is the thromboelastogram (TEG)?
measures the process of clot formation over time.


The benefit of the TEG test is its ability to evaluate ___
(1) platelet reactions, (2) coagulation, and (3) fibrinolysis.
The results of the TEG provide an indication of ____.
(1) clot strength, (2) platelet number and function, (3) intrinsic pathway defects, (4) thrombin formation, and (5) the rate of fibrinolysis.

Platelet blockers
or vWF Disease



DIC Stage 1

DIC Stage 2
R =
Time of latency from the time that the blood was placed in the analyzer to the initial fibrin formation
⍺ =
Measures the kinetics of fibrin build-up and cross-linking (speed of clot strengthening)
K =
Measure of the rapidity to reach a certain level of clot strength
MA =
Maximum Amplitude is a direct function of the maximum dynamic properties of fibrin and platelet bonding and represents the ultimate strength of the fibrin clot
LY30 =
Measures the rate of amplitude reduction 30 minutes after MA. Indication of stability of the clot