Tectonics Flashcards
Why should we care about mountain building?
1) Mountains are higher than oceans; the potential energy gradient between mountains and oceans drive large-scale transport of water, sediment, particulate and dissolved solids
2) Mountains interact with the atmosphere to affect both short-term and long term weather patterns, which control flood hazards.
3) Affects long term climate leading to persistent spatial differences in rainfall which in turn affects…
4) Mountains built by EQs, a primary natural hazard, so mountains are essentially a EQ record- prediction
5) Many erosional processes- landslides, debris flows, water floods
6) Beautiful
What are the basic ideas of plate tectonic theory?
1) Thin, rigid plates (lithosphere); works well for oceanic plates, less so for thicker, heterogeneous continents
2) All deformation occurs at plate boundaries
3) Relative motion driven by atmospheric convection, gravitational sliding
4) Rates of relative motion are 1-100mm per year which is about the same as fingernail growth
What is absolute motion?
- The term used to describe the fact that all plates move relative to the centre of the earth
What is the relative motion?
- The term used to describe how plates behave in relation to each other and what determines their behaviour at plate boundaries.
What are the two ways that rock uplift can occur?
1) tectonic uplift
2) Isostatic upift
What is tectonic rock uplift
- Occurs via EQs and movement on faults.
- The word tekton means ‘builder’
What is isostatic rock uplift?
- Occurs via gravity, due to buoyancy differences
What is important to note about relative plate motion vectors?
- They are constant even over millions of years
If it is the case that relative plate motion is constant, how does motion occur along the fault lines?
- The classical view of this is the EQ cycle which was conceived by Harry Reid after the 1906 San Francisco EQ
What is the structure of the plates like?
- They are elastic
- However, the deformation caused by an EQ is permanent
- How does that work?
What is the San Andreas Fault?
- Extensively studied fault line.
- California
- Diagrams can not be relied upon to represent a fault line- EQs are too unpredictable
What did Reid note about fault lines and EQs?
- Observed a pattern of absolute offsets that could be mapped continuously along the fault; he inferred that this represented the release of elastic stress that had built up on the fault over time, and then ‘rebounded’.
Why did Reid observe absolute offsets which represented rebounded stress?
- The frictional properties of the earth’s brittle upper crust gives rise to stick-slip behaviour as the sides of the fault are loaded by relative plate motion.
What phases are there in the process of fault rebound?
1) Interseismic phase
2) Coseismic phase
What happens in the Interseismic phase of plate rebounds?
1) A farmer builds a wall across a right-lateral strike-sip fault a few years after its last rupture
2) Over the next 150 years, the relative motion between blocks on either side of the locked fault causes the ground and the stone wall to deform.
3) Just before the next rupture, a new fence is built across the already deformed land
What happens in the Coseismic phase of plate rebound
4) When the stress exceeds the strength of the fault a rupture begins at the first point of failure- the focus- beneath the epicentre on the surface. The rupture expands rapidly across the fault.
5) The rupture displaces the fault, lowering the stress and the elastic rebound restores to their pre-stressed state. Both the fence and the wall have shifted equal amounts. The rebound strengthens the wall, but the fence exhibits a reverse curve.
What is the problem with the wall and fence illustration of EQs and fault lines?
- Overly simplistic
- Not as simple as made out to be
- EQs are very unpredictable
- We cannot predict EQs
What are the complications of fault lines?
1) the ‘local rock strength’ is neither constant (in time) nor uniform (in space) along a fault
2) the rate at which stress accumulates in the crust is not constant
3) each EQ affects the stress on other faults nearby
What knowledge would we need to be able to predict EQs?
- The maximum amount of stress that could be placed on a particular slip-fault.
What is a key point to make about EQs and their affect on fault lines?
- An EQ may increase or reduce the strain on a fault.
What happens in a subduction zone?
- The plates move towards each other but the fault remains locked in the Interseismic phase. This causes subsidence of the upper plate close to the fault, and uplift farther inland.
What consequence does an EQ have on the fault?
- The locked fault slips, releasing seismic energy and reverses the pattern of uplift and subsidence.
- This gives rise to a repeated predictable pattern of uplift and subsidence at any one point near the fault.
- Similar process to that of sea-level change.
What are the three phases in the EQ cycle?
1) pre-seismic- mostly elastic strain accumulation; no fault movement- can last several hundred years
2) Coseismic- rapid strain release in an EQ (seconds to hours)
3) Post seismic- Relaxation and more rapid strain accumulation but decaying with time (hours to years).
What happens to the ground inbetween EQs?
- Ground moves up and down
- Pattern of displacement. EQ changes land life but gradually returns to the previous state.
What area is affected in the coseimic phase of a small EQ?
- Only a part of the fault moves, so only part of the surface is affected e.g. Nepal EQ
What area is affected by the coseismic phase of a large EQ?
- Most of the fault moves, so a much larger area is affected and the uplift is greater (2008 Wenchuan EQ)
- More on magnitude in a bit
What is the perio-distic or characteristic EQ model?
- the same size EQ occurs after the same amount of stress has accumulated; thus the EQs occur at a constant interval.
- If we know this interval, we can predict both the time of the next EQ and its magnitude
What is the time predictable model?
- The strain required to cause an EQ stays constant but the size of the EQ can vary; after a large EQ it takes longer to reach that threshold strain again.
- Thus the time to the next EQ can be estimated )based on the size of the last one) but not its magnitude.
- Key point is that we still can’t predict how large an EQ might be
What is the slip-predictable model?
- The strain required to cause an EQ varies but the EQ always releases enough energy to get back to the same state, thus the longer it’s been since the last event, the larger the EQ.
- Thus the magnitude of the next EQ can be estimated (based on how long it’s been since the last one), but not its timing
- Shows that the longer there hasn’t been an EQ, the larger the EQ is likely to be
- Potentially the most useful model
What is the clustered model?
- In areas where we have sufficient data, EQs seem to occur in clusters of lots of events, separated by times of relative quiet that may be 10-10000 years long.
- Individual clusters may follow one of the first three models, or may be apparently random
- Essentially a model based on EQ history.
What is the best way of assessing the magnitude of an earthquake?
- How much energy is released
- This is proportional to the seismic moment Mo
If the magnitude is increased by +1, how much more energy is released?
- 30 x the amount
What is the advantage of a conversion to moment magnitude?
- Allows the comparison of different EQ sizes.
Name a famous EQ situation
- Lost River Range, Idaho, USA, 1983 Borah Peak EQ
Describe the EQ at Borah peak
- Clear from the pattern of slip that the EQ (which formed a break or scarp up to 2-3m high) that the mountains were uplifted over time by many such events,
- Scarp formed in 1983 and EQ fault is now visible.
- ‘Unzipped the ground surface’, 2-3mm of slip from one EQ
In the simplest of terms, how are mountains built?
- Built by repeated, small earthquakes- a process which occurs over long periods of time
Describe the relationship between a fault and a mountain range
- Mountain belts are composed of multiple faults and folds so once it is understood how a single fault grows and accumulates displacement, we can understand the dynamics of the entire range.
What is the difference between tectonic rock uplift and surface uplift?
- Tectonic rock uplift is caused by movement on the faults.
- Surface uplift builds mountain ranges.
- This is because we must also allow for erosion or denudation
- Essentially surface uplift takes into account the impact of erosion
What is the equation for surface uplift?
Surface uplift= rock uplift- denudation
What happens if denudation (erosion) occurs faster than rock uplift?
- There may be negative surface uplift ie the elevation of the mountain may go down even if there is tectonic activity.
What is isostatic uplift?
- There’s another problem
- The continental crust ‘floats’ at the surface of the denser mantle and so adding mass to the crust like a mountain range causes the crust to sink.
- Therefore eroding mass from the crust should cause it to rise.
- If we lose surface uplift, we get isostatic uplift where the crust actually rises.
What does denudation lead to?
- Additional component of rock uplift, called isostatic rock uplift or isostatic rebound- just as a ship floats higher when its cargo is removed
- This can be 80% of the total denudation so that the net surface lowering is much smaller than you’d expect.
What happens if material is moved disproportionately?
- If a Valley was dug out, the parts of the landscape might change while others might stay the same- erosion has a huge impact.
What happens to mountain ranges if the erosion if non-uniform?
- Isostatic uplift can actually cause the peaks to rise higher than their original elevation even without any tectonic activity
- Erosion can actually cause surface uplift and build mountains
What do mountains balance?
- The tectonic flux of material into a mountain range and the erosion all flux of material out of it.
What is the most common form of plate boundary for erosion?
- Convergent plate boundary
What is the effect of isostatic uplift on denudation?
- Reduces its impacts.
What would happen if there was a collision between two plates where the wind and thus the precipitation fall on the pro side of the mountains- the downgoing plate?
- Would mean that erosion is concentrated on the pro-side and that the material is pulled up from shallows depths
- No erosion on the back side
- But if the wind comes from the back side, erosion would be concentrated on that side.
- This pulls material deep through the Origen to the back side. No erosion on pro-side
- This is the pro graphic exhumation, a model prediction, but it is hard to find evidence for it in the real world.
What important things does the topography impact on?
- Influences atmospheric circulation and thus the pattern of precipitation.
- An excellent example of this is in the South Asian monsoon which owes its strength to the Tibetan plateau
Describe the Tibetan Plateau in the summer?
- Hot air rises over the Tibetan plateau, forms low; draws in moist air from Arabian Sea/Bay of Bengal, rain in N India.
Describe the Tibetan Plateau in winter?
- Cold, dry air over the Tibetan plateau forms high blocks of moist air masses to south. Dry in Northern India.
What is one of the ways that we can estimate the importance of mountains in controlling precipitation?
- Comparing global climate model results with and without topography.
- This is a map of the differences between such models- peak differences over SE Asia are 4.8mm/day or 1.5m/year
How do glaciers affect erosion?
- Cause very non-uniform patterns of erosion
What are the 4 main ways that sediment is removed from mountain ranges?
1) Suspended load
2) Solute load
3) Bed load
4) Aeolian transport
What is suspended load?
- Found in rivers:fine particles that are transported to the river flow and slowly settle out in the oceanic water column. Easy to measure
What is the solute load?
- Ions and dissolved components
What is the bed load?
- Coarse particles that are transported along the river bed. Very hard to measure
What is aeolian transport?
Sand, silt, clay, transported by wind
What is the sediment load?
- Mass of sediment leaving a catchment per unit
What is sediment yield?
- The load divided by the catchment areas.
- Provides a way of comparing the different basin size
- There wouldn’t be any meaning in saying that a bigger river has more sediment than a smaller one so we use sediment yield instead.