Quaternary Glaciation Flashcards
What do scientists say about the next ice age?
- As of 2016, scientists believe that the next ice age may have been delayed by human activities which have caused an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
- What is the quaternary period?
- 2.6 million years ago to the present day
What is the Holocene?
- 11.5 thousand years ago until the present day
What might proxy data show?
- Regular and frequent climate fluctuations
How might oxygen isotopes show us climate fluctuations?
- Oxygen isotopes can be found in ocean cores 018/016
- There have been 100 oxygen isotope stages in the last 2.5Ma
- Shows glacial and interglacial cycles and changing periodicity over the last 8000 years.
What is the ‘forcing function’?
- The mechanism that causes systems to change from their equilibrium state and is drive by perturbations in the earth-atmosphere system.
Give an example of an external and internal forcing mechanism
- ice sheet growth due to changing solar radiation increases albedo and reduces temps.
Give an example which illustrates the importance of feedbacks and interconnectivity of the climate system
- Reduction in radiative forces causes ice sheet growth changing the earths albedo.
- Reduces global temperatures causing more ice sheet growth.
- Positive feedback amplifies changes in the climate system whilst negative feedback counters changes within the system.
What are some examples of external forcing mechanisms in the climate system?
- Solar output and orbital patterns
What are some examples of internal forcing mechanisms in the climate system?
- Feedback by earth’s elements (albedo, ocean currents)
What are the specific spatial and temporal impacts of external and internal forcing functions?
- Different elements respond over different timescales
- Long term climate changes involve progressively more components of the earth-atmosphere system.
How and when did we get into a glacial global climate?
- First evidence of widespread glaciation was that deep ocean cores revealed larger and more persistent volumes of ice-rated debris at c.2.6Ma BP
- Cores also show increase in volcanic ash from 2.Ma = increased global volcanism
- SO2 aerosols (increase in earths albedo maybe?
Why did the post Cretaceous inception of Quaternary ice cover occur?
- Raised areas above the regional glaciation limit
- Modified atmospheric circulation patterns
- Increased weathering rates resulting in removal of CO2 from the atmosphere.
- Increased rustiness of atmosphere due to uplift of Tibetan Plateau suggesting increased aridity between 3.6-2.6 Ma
What were the causes of the Pliocene- Pleistocene transition?
- Disposition of land masses and ocean gateways
- Tectonic activity
- Feedback mechanisms
Who was Alfred Wegener?
- Theorised continental drift
How did disposition of land masses and ocean gateways cause the Pliocene- Pleistocene transition?
- poleward migration of major land masses
- isthmus of Panama closing (3-3.5Ma)
- separation of Antarctica and Australia
- isolation of Antarctica by 40Ma (Antarctic Ice Sheet stable ever since)
How did tectonic activity cause the Pliocene- Pleistocene transition?
- mountain building (Himalaya/Tibetan plateau = 3000 in 2Ma). This changed the wave structure of air streams in the upper atmosphere and cooled temps in the Northern Hemisphere
How did feedback mechanisms lead to the Pliocene- Pleistocene transition?
- Ocean-atmosphere circulations
What was the climate cycle periodicity during the Pliocene- Pleistocene transition?
- 41,000 years prior to 800ka BP
- 100,000 years after 800ka BP
What happened in the Mid-Pleistocene transition?
- There was an intensification of glaciation since 800ka BP
- Why?
Why was there an intensification of glaciation during the mid-Pleistocene transition?
A) Long term reduction in atmospheric CO2- lowering past a critical threshold for large ice sheets to develop in NH
b) Ice sheet thickness and subglacial substrate
Explain how a long term reduction in atmospheric Co2 may have led to an intensification of glaciation during the P-P transition
- Due to tectonic uplift and associated increased weathering rates.
- Decreased the greenhouse effect and allowed ice sheets to expand into areas that were previously two warm for ice to survive through successive summers.
Explain how ice sheet thickness and subglacial substrate may have led to glaciation intensification during the P-P transition?
- Oxygen isotopes show change in cyclicality but also increase in ice sheet volume at 1Ma ago. Prior to this the NH sheets were equally extensive.
- To accommodate the volume, they must have been thicker after 1Ma. Thicker ice sheets would have been more likely to survive rapid warming episodes of the 41 ka cycle.
- Why change in glacial = subglacial substrate
What was the Croll- Milankovitch astronomical theory?
- main premise= changes in intensity of seasons in NH control ice sheet inception and decay
- NH latitude summer temps key to the onset of glaciation. If cold enough winter snows would not completely melt and would grow into glaciers.
- Earth’s distance from the sun varies seasonally (perihelion- nearest in NH winter and aphelion- furthest away in NH summer).
- Uneven receipt of insulation is further accentuated by orbital parameters of eccentricity, obliquity and precession.
What did the Croll-Milankovitch theory say controlled glaciation?
- Glacial/interglacial periods due to cyclical changes in earth’s orbit around the sun.
What did the Croll- Milankovitch theory say about eccentricity?
- 100ka and 400ka
- Change in shape of earths orbit from circular to elliptical =0.03% max change in annual insolation receipt
What did the Croll- Milankovitch theory say about obliquity?
- 41ka
- Change in tilt of Earth’s axis of rotation from 21.8 to 24.4 degrees
- Larger differences between seasons as tilt increases
What did the Croll- Milankovitch theory say about precession?
- 23ka and 19ka
- Wobble of earth on its axis due to gravitational attraction of sun and moon.
- Alters timing and variability of seasons.
What is a good example of cyclicity in the landscape?
- River terraces
1) DOWNCUTTING- During cold/warming periods land is downcut
2) AGGRADATION- During cold/warming periods sediment then collects at the bottom of the valley
3) INTERGLACIAL- During temperate periods
4) EROSION- Cooling/cold
Summarise why longer term climate change occurs?
- Multiple components of the earth-atmosphere system change including tectonics, orbital changes and volcanoes.
What doe every element contain?
- A number of protons which give it a unique atomic number
- e.g. Oxygen = 8
- Every element also has an umber of neutrons which give it an economic weight BUT this number can vary
Describe oxygen as an element
- Oxygen may have 7,8,9 or 10 neutrons, which when added to the number of protons gives isotopes of mass O15,O16, O17 or O18
- These isotopes are then heavier or lighter than each other
- Some may be unstable and don’t exist in nature
- Others such as O16 and )18 are known as ‘stable’ isotopes and are more consistent.
What effect do oxygen isotopes have in reality?
- Variations in the ratio of O16 and O18 indicate changing isotopic composition of ocean waters between glacials and interglacials
- These oxygen isotopes ratios in seawater are largely controlled by fluctuations in land-ice volume. Downcore variations record glacial/ interglacial climatic oscillations.
Describe oxygen in glacials
- O16 is evaporated from water earliest. Hence ocean waters are relatively enriched in O18 while ice sheets are more enriched in O16.
Describe oxygen in interglacials
- Melting ice sheets return more O16 to the ocean.
Describe the oxygen isotope records
- Record of glacier ice volume through time from analysis of marine microfossils in ocean floor sediments and ice cores.
- Glacial = O16 depletion in ocean and enrichment in ice
- Interglacial- O16 enrichment in ocean and depletion in ice
- Analysis of marine sediment cores
What are the marine isotope stages?
- Glaciation= O16 preferentially locked up in ice- isotopically heavier ocean water
- Quaternary climato-stratigraphy = marine isotope stages (MS)
- Even numbers= cold stages
- Odd numbers= warm stages
What is the ocean core palaeoclimate record?
- Deep sea record is the longest and best preserved palaeoclimate record: low regular sedimentation rate, negligible erosion
- ‘Proxy’ data = a) Biogenic sediments formed from the skeletal remains of calcareous organisms (e.g. Microfossils)
- i) record isotopic balance of the water they inhabited ii) relative abundance iii) morphology/species
Describe ocean cores
- Increases during glaciation and provides a deep-sea record of ice sheet fluctuations.
What can ice cores tell us?
1) Temp
2) Gas content of atmosphere
3) Dust (particles). Past aeolian activity and marker horizons
4) Volcanic eruptions (sulphur)
5) Annual layers (dating technique)
How do ice cores tell us about past temps?
- Looking at the different oxygen isotopes for correlation with the marine record
How do ice cores tell about the gas content of the atmosphere?
- CO2, CH4 in bubbles in the ice
How does dust tell us about the past dust particles?
- Past aeolian activity and marker horizons
Describe ice cores and oxygen isotope analysis?
- Glacials= depletion of O16 in ocean water and enrichment in ice and depletion of O18 and deuterium in glacier ice
- Interglacials= enrichment of O16 in ocean water and depletion in ice and enrichment of O18 and D in glacier ice
Describe ice core records of long-term climate change
- Long-term changes in atmospheric greenhouse gases
- Correspondence between CO2, CH4 and temp. As gas conc increases so does temp.
- EPICA core at Dome C (Antarctica)- climate record stretching back to 800,000 years BP
- Comparison of MIS 11 interglacial with present interglacial (See graph)