Tectonic Hazards Key Terms Flashcards
Conservative Margin
Two plates sliding alongside each other in the same or different directions
Constructive Margin
Two plates move away from each other allowing magma to escape and form new land
Continental plate
A tetonic plate which carries mainly land mass
Destructive Margin (collision)
Two continenetal plates move towards each other and collide pushing upwards and forming fold mountains
Destructive Margin (subduction)
Two plates move towards each other, one continental and one oceanic, the oceanic plate subducts (sinks) under the continental as it is heavier. Forms volcanoes, ocean trenches and causes earthquakes.
A sudden or violent movement in the earth’s crust that causes a series of shockwaves
The point on the surface, directly above the focus, at the centre of the earthquake
The point in the crust where the earthquake was triggered
Hazard Risk
The chance or probability of being involved in a natural event.
Immediate Responses
Reactions of people as the disaster happens and in the immediate aftermath
Long Term Responses
Reactions of people to disasters that occur in the weeks, months and years afterwards
The strength of an earthqauke
Monitoring potential natural hazards to try to predict where damage might occur
Natural Disaster
A natural event that has a serious affect the lives of people
Natural Hazard
A natural event that has the potential to cause harm or damage to humans
Ocean Trenches
Formed when oceanic plate is forced under continental plate at a destructive margin
Oceanic plate
A tectonic plate the carries mainly water
Actions taken in order to allow communities to respond to and recover from natural disasters
Tectonic Plates
The division of the earth’s crust into separate sections
The ability to forecast where and when a natural hazard may occur
Primary Effects
The initial impacts of a natural event on people and property caused directly by it
Action taken before a hazard strikes to reduce its impact
Secondary Effects
After effects that occur as indirect imapcts of a natural event, sometimes on a longer timescale
Tectonic Hazard
A hazard caused by movement in the aerth’s crust, these are Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunamis
An openeing in the earth’s crust from which lava , ash and gases erupt.