Rivers Key Terms Flashcards
Long profile
The rivers course from source to mouth.
Cross profile
The river from bank to bank at any given point
Upper course
Part of the river nearest the source characterised by V shaped, steep valleys
Middle course
Central part of a river where the valley widens and slope are gentler
Lower course
Last stage of a river before it reaches the sea, wide very flat valley floor.
Vertical erosion
Erosion that works downwards into the land creating a V-Shaped valley
Lateral erosion
Erosion that works sideways to widen the river channel.
Hydraulic action
The force of water hitting the bed and banks breaking it up.
The load carried by the river repeatedly hits the bed and banks dislodging particles into the flow of the river
Stones carried by a river knock and bang into each other gradually making the stones smaller and more rounded
Solution (erosion)
When the rock is slowly dissolved in mildly acidic river water
When large particles are rolled along the river bed.
When particles carried by the river are bounced along as they are too heavy to be carried in suspension.
small sediments that are held within the river’s water
Solution (transportation)
the river carries the dissolved load.
sediment is dropped by the river when the energy is reduced towards the mouth.
a step in the long profile of river over which water falls, usually when the river passes over a band of resistant rock.
a vertically sided gash in the land formed when a wtaerfall retreats upstream