Technology Flashcards
helps us to stay in contact with people that in other ways would be very difficult to keep a relationship with
nos ayuda a estar en contacto con familares o con personas que de otra forma seria mas complicado mantener una relacion
They are an important source of learning due to the great content of value that is shared.
son una fuente importante de aprendizaje debido al gran contenido de valor que se comparte
They generate greater communication and interaction among young people
generan mayor comunicacion e interaccion entre los jovenes
They help you find a job
te ayudan a encontrar trabajo
It facilitates the relationship between people without cultural and physical barriers
facilita la relacion entre las personas sin las barreras culturales y fisicas
They facilitate communication quickly and easily
facilitan la comunicación de manera rapida y facil
They allow us to keep up to date with what is happening in the world.
nos permiten mantenernos al dia con lo que esta pasando en el mundo
They can be educational, they inspire us, they facilitate studies
pueden ser educativas, nos inspiran, facilitan los estudios
Technology plays a very important role at the cultural level, as it represents a forum for creativity where you can learn and share ideas
la technologia juego un papel de suma importancia a nivel cultura, como representan un foro para la creatividad donde puedes aprender y compartir ideas
life would be impossible without a phone
la vida seria imposible sin un movil
They represent an escape route for many: we can disconnect from the daily routine
representan una via de escape para muchos: podemos desconectar de la rutina diaria
the speed and ease of searching for information
la rapidez y facilidad que hay para buscar informacion
Today’s youth are totally obsessed with their electronic devices.
los jovenes de hoy estan totalmente obsesionados con sus apartos electronicos
Young people who use social media risk losing their interpersonal skills
los jovenes que usan redes sociales corren el riesgo de perder sus habilidades interpersonales
a person runs the risk of: becoming lazy, getting hooked on technology, wasting many hours glued to a screen
una persona corre el riesgo de : volverse perezosa, engancharse a la technologia, perder muchas horas pegada a una pantalla
They do not contribute as much to communication as we think: they replace face-to-face interaction.
no aportan tanto a la comunicacion como pensamos: sustituyen la interaccion cara a cara
We have access to: too much nonsense, too much violence
tenemos acceso a : demasiados tonterias, demasiado violencia
It is quite difficult to monitor what children are watching.
es bastante difícil vigilar lo que estan viendo los ninos
They have created other forms of bullying such as cyberbullying.
han creado otras formas del acoso como el ciberacoso
be so hooked that it can threaten face-to-face interactions, if you stay in person
estar tan enganchada lo que puede amenazar las interacciones cara a cara, si te quedas en persona
Easy access to social media has contributed to the spread of hoaxes and fake news
el facil acceso a las redes sociales ha contribuido a la propagacion de bulos y las noticias falsas