Tech Specs Flashcards
3.1.5 CEA Alignment
Spec and applicability?
All Full strength CEAs shall be OPERABLE, and all full strength and part strength CEAs shall be aligned to within 6.6 inches (indicated position)of all other CEAs in their respective groups.
Mode 1 & 2
3.1.5 CEA Alignment
Condition A, Required Actions, completion time?
A. 1 or more CEAs trippable and misaligned from its group by >6.6” and <=9.9”
1 CEA trippable and misaligned from its group by >9.9”
A.1 Lower Thermal Power in accordance with the COLR limits — 1 hr
A.2 Restore CEA alignment — 2hrs
3.1.5 CEA Alignment
Condition B, Required Action, Completion Time
B. Only 1 CEA position indicator channel OPERABLE for 1 CEA per group.
B.1 Restore at least 2 position indicator channels to OPERABLE status — 6 hrs
B.2 Verify the CEA group(s) with the INOPERABLE position indicators are fully withdrawn or fully inserted while maintaining the insertion limits of LCO 3.1.6, 3.1.7, 3.1.8 — 6hrs and once per 12 hrs thereafter
3.1.5 CEA Alignment
Condition C, Required Action, completion time?
Required Action and completion time of Condition A or Condition B or 1 or more Full strength CEAs un-trippable
Be in MODE 3 — 6hrs
3.1.5 CEA Alignment
Condition D, Required Action, Completion time
D 2 or More CEAs trippable and misaligned from their group by >9.9”
Open the RTCB — Immediately
3.1.6 Shutdown CEA Insertion Limits
Spec and Applicablity
All Shutdown CEAs shall be withdrawn to >= 147.75”
Applicability: Mode 1&2 with any regulating CEA not fully inserted.
Note: not applicable while performing SR
3.1.6 Shutdown CEA insertion limits
Condition A, Required Actions, Completion time.
A. 1 Shutdown CEA not within limits
Restore shutdown CEA to within limits—2hrs
3.1.6 Shutdown CEA insertion limits
Condition B, required action, completion time
B. Required action and completion time not met
Be in mode 3 — 6hrs
3.1.7 Regulating group CEA insertion limits
Spec and applicability
The power dependent insertion limit (PDIL)alarm circuit shall be operable, and with COLSS in service or with COLSS out of service, the Regulating CEA groups shall be limited to the withdrawal sequence and insertion limits specified in the COLRand associated time restraints.
Mode 1&2
Note:this LCO is not applicable while conducting SR for up to 2 hours following a reactor power cutback operation.
3.1.7 Regulating CEA insertion limits
Condition A, Required Action, completion time
A. Regulating CEA groups inserted beyond the transient insertion limit with COLSS inservice
Or with COLSS out of service.
A.1 Restore CEA to within limits— 2hrs
A.2 Reduce thermal power to <= RTP allowed in the COLR—2hrs
3.1.7 Regulating CEA insertion limits
Condition B, Required Action, completion time.
B. regulating CEA groups inserted between the short term steady state insertion limit and the transient insertion limits for >4hr per 24 hr interval with COLSS in or out of service.
Restrict increases in thermal power to <=5% RTP / HR — 15 min
3.1.7 Regulating CEA insertion limits
Condition C, required action, completion time.
C. Regulating CEA groups inserted between the long term steady state insertion limit and the transient insertion limit for intervals >5 EFPD per 30 EFPD interval or >14EFPD for 365 EFPD interval with COLSS in or out of service
Restore CEA groups to within limits - 2hrs
3.1.7 Regulating CEA insertion limits
Condition D required time, completion time
D. PDIL alarm circuit INOPERABLE
Perform SR (40ST-9ZZ23)- 1 hr and once per 4 hrs thereafter
3.1.7 Regulating CEA insertion limits
Condition E required action, completion time
E. Required action and completion time not met.
Mode 3- 6hrs
3.1.8 Part Strength CEAs insertion limits
Spec and applicability
The part strength CEA groups shall be limited to the insertion limits specified in the COLR
Mode 1&2
3.1.8 Part Strength CEA insertion limits
Condition A, Required Action, Completion time
A. Part strength CEA groups inserted beyond the transient insertion limits
Restore part strength groups to within limit- 2hrs
Reduce thermal power to <= that fraction of RTP specified in the COLR- 2hrs
3.1.8 Part strength CEA insertion limits
Condition B, required action, completion time
B. Part strength CEA groups inserted between long term steady state insertion limit and transient insertion limit for intervals>=7 EFPD per 30 EFPD or >=14 EFPD per 365 EFPD-
Restore part strength CEA groups to within long term steady state insertion limit- 2hrs
3.1.8 Part strength CEA insertion limits
Condition C, required action, completion time
C. Required action and completion time not met.
Mode 3 — 6hrs
3.1.9 Special Test Exception - SDM
Spec and applicability
During performance of physics testing the requirements of:
LCO 3.1.2 -SDM RTSB closed
LCO 3.1.6- Shutdown CEA insertion limits
LCO 3.1.7- Regulating CEA insertion limits
May be suspended for measurement of CEA worth, provided shutdown reactivity equivalent to at least the highest estimated CEA worth(of those CEAs actually withdrawn) is available for trip insertion or the reactor is subcritical by at least the reactivity equivalent of the highest CEA worth
Mode 2 & 3 during physics testing
Note operation in mode 3 shall be limited to 6 consecutive hours
3.1.9 Special test exception -SDM
Condition A, Required Action, Completion time
A. Any full strength CEA not fully inserted and less than the required shutdown reactivity available for trip insertion.
All full strength CEAs inserted and the reactor subcritical by < the above required shutdown reactivity equivalent
Initiate boration to restore SDM- 15 min
3.1.10 Special Test Exception - Mode 1 and 2
Spec and applicability
During performance of physics testing, the requirements of:
LCO 3.1.4- MTC, 3.1.5 CEA Alignment, 3.1.6 SD CEA insertion limits, 3.1.7 Reg CEA insertion limits, 3.1.8 PS CEA insertion limits, 3.2.2 Planar radial peaking factors, 3.2.3 AZ Tilt, 3.2.5 ASI, 3.3.3 CEACS, may be suspended provided:
a. Thermal power is restricted to test plateau which shall not exceed 85% RTP
b. Shutdown reactivity equivalent to at least the highest estimated CEA worth (of those CEAs actually withdrawn)is available for trip insertion.
Applicability: Mode 1and 2 during physics testing
3.1.10 Special Test Exception Mode 1 and 2
Condition A, Required Action, Completion time.
A. Test plateau exceeded
Reduce thermal power to <= to the test power plateau
15 min
3.1.10 Special Test Exception Mode 1 and 2
Condition B, Required Action, Completion time.
B. Required action and completion time not met.
Suspend physics testing
3.1.11 Special Test Exception Reactivity coefficient testing
Spec and applicability
During performance of physics test, the requirements of:
LCO 3.1.7 reg CEA insertion limits, 3.1.8 PS CEA insertion limits, and 3.4.1 RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow limits (LCO 3.4.1.b RCS cold leg temperature only)
May be suspended, provided LHR and DNBR do not exceed the limits in the COLR.
Applicability Mode 1 with thermal power > 20%RTP during physics testing.
3.1.11 Special Test Exception reactivity coefficient testing
Condition A, Required Action, Completion time
A. LHR or DNBR outside the limits specified in the COLR.
A.1 reduce thermal power to restore LHR and DNBR to within limits
15 min
3.1.11 Special Test Exception reactivity coefficient testing
Condition B, Required Action, Completion time
B. Required action and completion time not met
B.1 suspend physics testing
1 hr
3.1.1 Shutdown Margin (SDM)- Reactor Trip Breakers Open
Spec and applicability
Condition A, Required Action, Completion time
SDM shall be >=the value in the COLR
Applicability Modes 3, 4,and 5 with reactor trip breakers open or the CEA drive system not capable of CEA withdrawal
A. SDM not within limits
A.1 Initiate boration to restore SDM to within limits
15 min
3.1.2 SDM - reactor trip breakers closed
Spec and applicability
Reactivity shall be controlled by:
a. SDM shall be >= the value in the COLR
b. Kn-1 shall be < 0.99 when Tc <=500 F
c. Reactor criticality shall not be achieved with shutdown group CEA movement
Applicability Modes 3, 4, and 5 with reactor trip breakers closed and CEA drive system capable of CEA withdrawal
3.1.2 SDM - reactor trip breakers closed
Condition A, Required Action, Completion time
A. SDM not within limits
A.1 initiate boration to restore SDM to within limits
15 min
3.1.2 SDM - reactor trip breakers closed
Condition B, Required Action, Completion time
B. Kn-1 not within limit when Tc <=500 F
Reactor criticality can be achieved by shutdown group CEA movement
B.1 Vary CEA position to restore within limits
15 min
B.2 initiate boration to restore within limits
15 min
3.1.3 Reactivity Balance
Spec and applicability
The core reactivity balance shall be within +- 1% delta k/k of predicted values
Applicability: Mode 1
3.1.3 Reactivity Balance
Condition A, Required Action, Completion time
A. Core reactivity balance not within limits
A.1 Re-evaluate core design and safety analysis and determine that the reactor core is acceptable for continued operation.
7 days
A.2 Establish appropriate operating restrictions and SRs.
7 days
3.1.3 Reactivity Balance
Condition B, Required Action, Completion time
B. Required action and completion time not met
B.1 Be in Mode 2
6 hrs