Teaming Flashcards
What are the team structure options to consider before teaming?
Solo bidder, team prime bidder, team subcontractor under another prime bidder
What are the 2 factors you should value most highly when selecting teaming partners?
Ability to increase win probability and ability to work cohesively with the bid team and the prospective buyer on the specific contract
What tool can you use to assess potential teaming partners?
Bidder Comparison Matrix
What is the appropriate level at which to approach a new potential teaming partner?
What is a Traditional prime/subteam?
A prime contractor supported by team subcontractors identified as such in the proposal.
What is a Joint Venture Team?
Two or more companies form a new legal entity (a joint venture, or JV) that is usually dedicated to bid and perform the targeted contract.
What is a Partner Arrangement?
This is when each organization has a separate contractual arrangement with the customer
How does a prime contractor with subcontractor pools differ from a traditional prime/subteam?
The prime contractor does not name specific subcontractors in the bid and operates their own hiring process once they have the contract.
What are Mentor-protégé arrangements?
These are formal relationships between large and small businesses set up to achieve small business subcontracting goals.
What is the difference between company-specific versus integrated project teams?
When you have a multi-company team, you can either subcontract complete, projectized scopes of work to a single company who would perform the entire subproject with its own employees, or form project teams made of employees from multiple companies who agree to follow the direction of a single Project Manager.
True or False: team partnerships don’t require legal documentation
False; the operational, financial, and legal aspects of the negotiated arrangement should all be documented prior to submitting a proposal
What should be specified in teaming agreements?
- Clearly defined scopes of work
- Clearly delineated types and levels of participation in opportunity and proposal activities
- Specified allocation of opportunity and proposal costs
- Legally binding confidentiality and exclusivity agreements
What are the first 3 things to do once a partnership is formed?
- Leverage skills from across the team (inventory and characterise team members to identify strengths)
- Begin working together right away (establish working relationship, track record of collaborating effectively)
- Manage and highlight important assets (ensure each partner is bringing their most valuable elements/personnel to the team)
Why is it important to record your selection criteria and teaming rationale?
Because the buyer will probably review these documents to assess whether the partnership is forced/just intended to remove competition, and whether a partnership would best fulfil their specification.
Other than official negotiations, what can a bid team do to ensure cohesive partnership working?
Team-building activities, establish a common vision, establish roles and responsibilities as early as possible
What recent trend has prompted a string of protests to tender awards in the US?
Affiliation rules - big and small companies partnering together, where it appears that the big company has too much control over the small company, making them ‘affiliated’ and thus exceeding the size limit for a small organisation
True or False: If partnering with an org you’ve partnered with before, you don’t have to go through all the processes around roles and SMEs
False - you should always structure a team around the specific opportunity you are approaching
Is it better to get executive sign off early in the process or as a final step?
Should teams be free to workshop their own ideas and feed back to the prime contractor?
No - team members should work together with a collective idea on the final product, price, and with consistent templates
Define “rework”
This can refer to the process of brainstorming or drafting in which significant content of the bid is changed; this should only occur early in the BDC, before the proposal development stage
Who should you have regular progress meetings with?
- Partner-to-partner - peer check-ins with other team members
- Senior stakeholders - upwards feedback (usually conducted by one senior bid manager)