Teaching strategies Flashcards
is the most traditional method associated with teaching in which the teacher simply conveys the knowledge to the students in a one way channel of communication.
It retains some of the features of lecturing when the teacher still imparts the lessons to the students through interaction. This time she gives them the opportunity to share their insights or understanding of the topic
The teacher initiates the learning process by asking students about their insights and ideas regarding the subject matter. Questioning is integral to teaching which places learners in an active role. It can increase motivation of learners as it brings about eagerness to think answers to questions asked.
Question and Answer Techniques
It is a worldwide and publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard internet protocol.
It demands simple recall or retrieval of information from observed events.
Factual questions
These are used when a teacher wants a learner to further explain an answer, or dig deeper into the subject matter.
Probing questions
These can be oral or written. They usually test recall of learners and can be used to begin a discussion.
Multiple choice questions
These encompass all questions that require learners to construct an answer.
Open-ended questions
These are questions which help the discussion move along for a clearer or better view of the subject matter.
Discussion-stimulating questions
The teacher needs to phrase and sequence questions carefully in order to guide learners in problem-solving thinking process.
Questions that guide problem-solving
It is sometimes appropriate to ask: questions for which one expect no answers at the time. Such questions can be used to stimulate thinking in the class and may guide learners asking their own questions while studying a topic.
Rhetorical questions
Hospital staff and clinical faculty share the teaching role
Collaborative Model
Using audiovisuals is a traditional method that can reinforce teaching and learning. It is used as supplement to a lecture, as a prelude to discussion, or a part of questioning strategy
Uses Audiovisual Aids
are practical exercises for the students representing controlled manipulation of reality. These are exercises which learners engage in, to know the real world without the risks of harm or injury and make learning enjoyable.
Simulations are intended to help learners in decision-making and problem-solving, develop human interaction abilities and learn psychomotor skill in a safe and controlled setting. They can be used to achieve various learning objectives. Simulation are used to evaluate student’s learning and competence.
Four types of simulation techniques
Simulation exercise
Simulation game
Case study
It is an approach to learning that involves confronting students with real life problems which they are meant to solve on their own. It provides stimulus for critical thinking and self-taught content.
Problem-based Learning