Teaching/Learning Strategies and Activities Flashcards
Reasons the NE designs Learning Activities
• To provide context, salience, and clinical
action=“real world”
• To connect classroom learning with clinical practice
• To develop multiple thinking skills, clinical
• To promote active and engaged learning
Service Learning
Affective Domain
Culturally diverse
Different from clinical application
Students are working with a community that has an identified need
It is not student centered or faculty centered
Cultural Competence v Inclusive Teaching
Cultural Competence: Teaching ABOUT culture
Inclusive Teaching: helping the student focus on
their own culture, attitudes, beliefs AND that of
their classmates AND learn how to communicate
appropriately with each other and their patients
Cultural and Linguistically Diverse Students - CALD
Writing Short papers; peer feedback;
language translation “apps”
Oral communication Speak in small groups, one-one
Non-verbal Understand differences
(eye contact, voice) video critique
Listening Recording/podcasts
Learning Style Flexibility in use of groups,
active learning
Evaluating CALD Students
Written Work Focus on content, not language
Peer/faculty review before grading
Referral to writing center
Tests Practice tests; avoid slang and
complex sentences on tests
Allow sufficient time to read
(translate!) question