Learning Theories Flashcards
Behavior is learned & can be shaped & rewarded
[Skinner & Mager]
- observed through behavior
- feedback is important to shape behavior
- faculty centered
- useful in structured settings, skills learning
- useful in learning resource center
(Social cognitive; sociocultural)
Learning is interactive & occurs in a social environment
[Vgotsky, Piaget, & Bandura]
- learning is processed in a social context (group learning)
- develops reflection & self-awareness
- NE interacts with students to support them as they learn
- Social presence in online courses
Adult Learning
Adults are self-directed and motivated
- learners draw on experiences
- varied lifestyles & experiences shape learning
- adults feel failure
- facilitate & empower to achieve success
Cognitivism (information processing/ brain based learning)
Learning is a function of the brain; information processed & stored
Context & emotion facilitate learning
[Neuroscience & Bruner]
- learning occurs as learners link new info to existing content
- brains of young adults process info differently
- reflection solidifies learning
- use real world experiences
Deep Learning
Occurs when students learn info & apply it vs. surface learning & memorization
[Ross & Tuovinen]
- students learn materials for application
- links new info to long-term memory
Narrative pedagogy
Based on phemonology; knowledge gained from experience & dialogue
[Diekelmann, Ironsides & Chinn]
- draws on interpretive pedagogues
- students learn through examples and narrative
Humanistic-existential approach
- used in values-focused curriculum
- develops affective values, worth & dignity
- focus on student and patient
- defined by carative factors
Novice to Expert
Progressive stages of clinical experiences
- developmental stages
- use full in promoting transition to practice
- facilitates competency attainment
Principles of Good Education
[Chickering & Gamson]
- high expectations
- time on task
- Active learning
- Prompt feedback
- interaction with classmates
- interaction with faculty
- respect for diversity
Domains of Learning
Cognitive Domain
Evaluation. Creating Synthesis Evaluating Analysis. Analyzing Application Applying Comprehension Understanding Knowledge Remembering
Affective Domain
Internalization Organization Valuing Responding Receiving
Psychomotor Domain
Naturalization * Articulation Precision Manipulation Imitation
- can perform the skill & talk to the patient at the same time