te reo Māori study deck Flashcards
The elderly ladies are crying as they come onto the marae.
Kei te tangi haere mai ngā kuia e whakaeke ana i te marae.
Ka kite rātou i te tohorā e pupuha haere ana.
They saw the whale spouting as it went.
lay it down here
Whakatakoto mai tēnā ki konei
Kua ngāwari haere
te mahi nei.
This work is getting easier.
Tītahatia tō upoko ki muri kia kore ai e kuhi wai ki roto i ō karu
tilt your headback, so the water doesn’t get in your eyes
E katakata haere ana ngā tamariki ki te kura
the children are laughing as they go to school
Kei te tautohe haere ko tō teina raua ko pāpā i
te kaupapa
your sister and father are still debating the subject
He rite tonu te haere a Merania ki tāwāhi.
Merania is always going overseas.
I rite tonu te hiakai o Georgia
Georgia was always hungry.
He rite tonu te rere atu o ngā manu.
the birds are always flying away
I rite tonu tā rāua amuamu.
they were always complaining
He rite tonu te tīma o Pāora i wikitōria ai.
Paora’s team always wins the games.
He rite tonu te kōrero teka a ngā kaitōrangapū.
Politicians always fabricate the truth
Nā te rawakore i rite tonu ai te haere a te tokomaha ki te rapu mahi.
It was because of poverty that many people went to look for work
He rite tonu te oranga pai o ngā rango i te whare paru.
Flies always have good lies in dirty houses
He rite tonu tā mātou waiata i tētehi hīmene ā muri i te karakia.
We always sing a hymn after the karakia
Kua wareware i a au āku kī.
I forgot my keys.
I warewaretia ētehi tikanga mō te tangihanga.
Some of the funeral customs were forgotten
Kua wareware
i a au ōku hū
I forgot my shoes.
Kua warewaretia
a Neihana e tōna
Neihana has been forgotton by his mother.