TD1 Flashcards
Origin of Cinema
The first to present projected moving pictures to a paying audience were the Lumière brothers in December 1895 in Paris, France. They used a device of their own making, the Cinématographe, which was a camera, a projector and a film printer all in one
What were early films like ?
at first (1894-1895,) very short, sometimes only a few minutes or less. (ex : frères lumières)
Shown at fairgrounds, music halls
Subjects included local scenes and activities, views of foreign lands..
Usually accompanied by lectures, music and a lot of audience participation.
Rise of the film industry
by 1914, several national film industries were established
at this time europe, russia and scandinavia = the dominant industries
america was much less important
Films became longer and storytelling or narrative, became the dominant form
Date when feature-length movies were presented with synchronised sound
Early 1930s
mid 1930s
Some feature-length movies were presented with synchronised sound were in full colour too
the advent of sound secured the dominant role of the American industry
The great train robbery
1903 by Edwin stanton Porter (1870-1941), Silent Movie, 12 minutes = new because technically rare to have reels = short video (=bobine)
VS film = pellicule
People shocked because people at the end are shot by the gangster
Gangster movie
in 1903
Has to do with entertainment : people were looking for action movies. The frontier closed in 1890 (= moving zone btw civilisation, pionners and “savages”)
Apart from going to theatre and reading short stories there were very few distractions so gangster stories were ++ popular : you have to meet the public’s expectation
Scarface 1932 Howard Hawks
It’s maybe about Al Capone ⇒ biography : he was a liar
Two men are fighting because of the women= triangular relationship = structure of the dual = typical to the western = 2 men fight in the end (especially in the street)
Scarface = about alcohol, cocaina ⇒ 1980s = linked to cuban immigration
Linked with prohibition
Colours = flashy = typically Pulp
Flashy colours = the only means to attract people attention
Red = colour of passion & colour of the dress of women, she embodies this
// the flapper = this new women who smoke and drunk
1960 Alfred Hitchock
Colours = opposite colours
Yellow = colour of scare = to go yellow = to be scared / to break a strike, yellow = couleur de la traitrise.
++ famous
YET she dies after 20minutes so
Clothes of woman = shocking
= a photograph and composition
⇒ a thriller, suspense movie : mixes different genres.
Bonnie & Clyde
About the real Bonnie and Clyde but + glamorous.
They were not famous BUT she is a major feminist icone.
They are facing the camera : they are shooting at the camera // 1903 movie
Here = a photograph
The monster
Frankenstein : the monster movie
The monster is always political
King Kong = vision of the women is also important = other version of beauty & beast
The gangster
The gangster = the urban version of the cowboy
Western movie : list in English
the good the bad and the Ugly, Sergio Leone
Once upon a time in the West, Fulvio Morsella
Dances with wolves, Camille Cosney
Qui établit le genre des Western movies ?
John Ford : established the genre = la base : il fixe le code définitivement
L’homme qui tue la liberté de valence
La prisonnière du désert (The Searchers)
Leone : qu’a-t-il établit ?
Leone established the spaghetti western