TD 33 Flashcards
VFR Weather Mins
Primary Weather Consideration:
1,000’ ceiling 3 mile visibility (for Carins ,Class D)
700’ ceiling 1 mile visibility (minimum for training, Class G)
Class A - 180’ MSL to FL 600’
Class B - individually tailored
Class C - core (SFC-040) shelf (012-040)
Class D - generally from SFC-025
Class E - usually core 007’ to shelf 012’ and above FL 600’
Class G - everywhere else
Fixed Pedal High TQ
Definition: Loss of control resulting in a fixed pitch setting. Whether the nose of the helicopter yaws left or right is dependent upon the amount of pedal applied at the time of malfunction.
Indications: The nose of the helicopter will turn left when power is reduced.
Procedures: (MCE, TC)
Maintain control with power (40-70 kts)
Continue powered flight to a suitable landing where a run-on landing can be accomplished.
Execute a run-on landing with power and a touchdown speed which will minimize sideslip. Use throttle and collective as necessary
Fixed Pedal Low TQ
Definition: Loss of control resulting in a fixed pitch setting. Whether the nose of the helicopter yaws left or right is dependent upon the amount of pedal applied at the time of malfunction.
Indications: the nose of the helicopter will turn right when power is applied
Procedures: (If, ATC, IF NOT)
- If the helicopter control can be maintained in power flight, maintain control with power and accomplish run-on landing as soon as PRACTICABLE. Use airspeed, throttle, and collective to reduce sideslip angle
- If helicopter control cannot be maintained, close throttle immediately and accomplish autorotational landing.