TD-29 Flashcards
For an engine failure on approach arrive at ____ feet AGL at ____ KIAS. Adjust the cyclic and collective to achieve a ________________. Execute a ___________ approach to a running landing, not to exceed ____________ FPM rate of descent at touchdown. Prior to touchdown, reduce to _________ airspeed with ____________________ applied.
50 / 40 / landing attitude / shallow / 300 / minimum / max 2.5 min pwr
Single engine failure
OEI flight condition - establish Rotor speed - trim to maximum Affected engine - identify Single engine emergency shutdown - perform LAND AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE
Main transmission oil temp
-10 to 105
Caution indications - XMSN OIL TEMP
Procedure: 1. XMSN oil temperature and oil pressure indication - \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ If indications are within limits: 2. LAND AS SOON AS \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ If indications are above limit: 2. Power - reduce as much as possible If oil temperature indication remains above limit: 3. LAND AS SOON AS \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
Main transmission oil pressure
Minimum 1.0
Caution 1.0 - 1.5
Continuous operation 1.5-5.0
Max 5.0
If one XMSN oil pressure indication is below 1.0 bar:
1. Power - __________
2. LAND AS SOON AS ___________________
If both indications are below 1.0 bar:
3. LAND ____________________
NOTE Descend with minimum power
In the event of suspected or recognized SD, reference ___________ with a good ____________ and attempt to ignore conflicting sensory inputs. In two-pilot aircraft, announce SD and ___________ the controls
Instruments / cross check / transfer
Describe the purpose and how to perform the hover power check:
Purpose is to determine whether A/C exceeds maximum gross weight, to verify operating weight, and to determine that sufficient power is available to perform the mission. P* bring A/C to a hover and P will monitor A/C instruments and verify the pwr check by comparing the actual numbers with the PPC
Describe how to perform the fuel consumption check:
Within 10 mins of leveling off or entering the mission profile, time and quantity is noted. 20 mins later, new reading is noted and the copilot will calculate the fuel flow, burnout and reserve fuel