TCM150-Wk1 Flashcards
Wood element yin organ & emotion?
Fire element yin organ & emotion?
Earth element yin organ & emotion?
Pensiveness & Worry
Metal element yin organ & emotion?
Water element yin organ & emotion?
Fear & shock
What emotion makes Qi rise?
What emotion slows Qi?
What emotion knots Qi?
Worry & Pensiveness
What emotion dissolves Qi?
What emotion descends Qi?
What emotion scatters Qi?
Qi stagnation can lead to..?
Blood stagnation
What is Joy? Factors? Symptoms?
- Excessive excitement & craving (not a state of healthy contentment)
- Excessive stimulation disturbs Shen (mind) → May displace it from heart blood
Factors: alcohol, recreational drugs, advertising, ambition, sex
Heart Symptoms: Palpitations, over excitability, insomnia, restlessness, red tip on tongue
What is anger? Symptoms?
Includes: resentment, repressed anger, irritability, frustration, rage, hatred, indignation animosity or bitterness
- Can affect the liver → stagnation of liver Qi / Liver blood / Liver Yang rising / Liver fire
- Makes Qi rise → symptoms manifest in head & neck
Symptoms: headaches*, dizziness, tinnitus, neck stiffness, red blotches (front neck/face)
- Some individuals may carry anger inside for years w/ out manifesting it (thus, does not always manifest outwards w/ outbursts)
What is worry? Symptoms?
- Knots Qi = Stagnation of Qi → affects both lung + spleen
- Lung: if one is worried → breathing is shallow
Symptom: unfordable feeling in chest, slight breathlessness, tensing of shoulders, dry cough (sometimes), weak voice, sighing, pale complexion - Spleen: responsible for thinking + ideas
Symptoms: Slight epigastric discomfort, Abdominal pain + distension, tiredness + pale complexion - Worry = counterpart of spleen’s mental energy (concentration + memorization) - when healthy we can concentration & focus
Leads to: constantly thinking, brooding & worrying about certain life events