TCM Flashcards
what is TCM?
TCM - traditional chinese medicine
- hollistic system of medicine practiced in China and other east asian countries for 1000s of years
- it operates on the principle that the body’s vital energy - known as Qi flows along specific pathways or meridians in the body - when the flow of Qi is disrupted/imbalanced this is when illness and disease occurs
- the goal is to restore balance and harmony of Qi within the body
what does TCM involve?
involves various psychological and physical approaches as well as herbal products to address health problems
- functional food
- moxibustion
- Gua Sha
- cupping
- Tuina
- Qigong
- acupuncture
- Tai Chi
- Chinese herbal medicine
What are the diff theories in TCM?
- Qi theory
- Yin and Yang theory
- 5 elements theory
these theories provide a framework for understanding the interconnectedness of the body, mind and environment in TCM
- aimed at restoring harmony and promoting health and wellbeing
describe the Qi theory
Qi translated as vital energy or life force
Qi flows through the body along specific pathways called meridians
- nourishing and regulating organs tissues and cells
illness or disease arises when the flow of Qi is disrupted, blocked, or unbalanced
- can manifest as physical symptoms, emotional imbalances, or mental disturbances
goal of TCM therapies is to restore balance + smooth flow of Qi within body
around 365 acupuncture points - when utilising these - can allow smooth flow of Qi
12 meridians are:
large intestine
spleen (pancreas)
small intestine
heart governor
triple heater
gall bladder
describe the Yin and Yang theory
dualism - having a balance between 2 diff points
Yin and Yang are complementary forces that exist in a dynamic balance within body
- one cant exist without the other
body functions optimally when both are in harmonious balance
- when one in excess/imbalance thats when illness/disease occurs
treatment aims to restore balance by tonifying deficiency or clearing excess
Yin: structure, night, cold, earth, moon, slow, calm, death
Yang: function, day, hot, sky, sun, fast, expressive, birth
describe the 5 elements theory
5 elements: wood fire earth water metal
- fundamental substances that represent diff aspects of human body
each element corresponds to specific organs and tissues
wood - liver + gallbladder
- associated with growth
fire - heart + small intestine
metal - lungs + large intestine- contraction
earth - spleen + stomach - nourishment
water - kidney + bladder - conservation
imbalances among 5 elements leads to physical/emotional symptoms
needles that hit acupuncture points
allowing flow of Qi across meridians
can be used for infertility, headaches, stress, joint and muscle pain
moving Qi around, energy and flow around the body
functional foods
black sesame - can detoxify liver and kidneys
intense massage and soft massage
- Yin and Yang
for pain
supplemented with acupuncture
align along the meridians of body
- burn
help movement of Qi, circulate blood flow
Gua Sha
using blood flow to promote healing
Tai chi
form of ancient martial arts
allows flow of body to move back and fourth
- for mindfulness
incorporating breathing exercises
helps with balance and PD patients
Qi gong
similar to Tai Chi
- but Tai chi comes from ancient martial arts
Qi Gong uses similar techniques
Chinese herbal medicine
TCM prescription
- most contain 3-30 herbs
- 8 diff processing methods
- 10 dosage forms
Angelica Sinesis
treatment of menopausal symptoms and menstrual disorders
also been used for rheumatism, ulcers, anaemia, constipation, psoriasis, hypertension
Pharmacokinetic interactions:
- it inhibits P450 enzymes CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP3A4
- raises levels of diazepam and tolbutamide and nifedipine
may increase bleeding time in response to warfarin
may possess oestrogenic effects - opposing oestrogen antagonists like tamoxifen
Astragalaus membranaceus
URI, common cold, other infections, hepatitis
Ginko biloba
reduced effects if patient is taking phenytoin/valproate and also on Ginko
Ginko is a CYP2C19 inducer
- phenytoin is a substrate of CYP2C19
- increases metabolism
panax ginseng
adaptogen - adapts to internal/external stressors, fights fatigue, boosts stamina
anxiety, stamina, cognitive function enhancement
effective in diabetes, ED, premature ejaculation
many C/Is - bleeding disorders, breast cancer etc.
why use TCM?
dissatisfaction with conventional medicine
desire to avoid taking drugs - want more natural products
experience of S.Es
better relationship with practitioner
individualized care
advice from friends family
maintenance of well being