TC 3-21.5: DRILL AND CEREMONY Flashcards
What is drill?
Certain movements by which a unit (or individuals) is moved in a uniform manner from one formation to another, or from one place to another. Movements are executed in unison and with precision.
What are ceremonies?
Formations and movements in which a number of troops execute movements in unison and with precision just as in drill; however, their primary value is to render honors, preserve traditions, and stimulate esprit de corps.
What is the primary value of drill historically?
To prepare troops for battle.
What are the three methods of instruction used to teach drill to soldiers?
1). Step by step
2). Talk through
3). By the numbers.
As a rule, what method of instruction is used to teach marching movements?
Step by step.
What are the three stages of instruction when teaching drill?
1). Explanation stage
2). Demonstration stage
3). Practice stage
What command is given to revoke a preparatory command?
As you were.
What are the two parts of most drill commands?
1). The preparatory command
2). The command of execution
What does the preparatory command do?
States the movement to be carried put and mentally prepares the soldier for its execution.
What does the command of execution do?
The command of execution tells when the movement will be carried out.
What is the interval between the preparatory command and the command of execution?
One step or count.
What are three commands where the preparatory command and the command of execution are combined?
1). Fall-in
2). At ease
3). Rest
What are supplementary commands?
Verbal orders given by a subordinate leader that reinforce and complement a Commander’s order.
What are directives?
Oral orders given by the Commander that direct or cause a subordinate leader to act.
What four voice characteristics provide for an ideal command voice?
1). Voice control
2). Distinctiveness
3). Inflection
4). Cadence
What are the four rest positions that can be given at the halt?
1). Parade rest
2). Stand at ease
3). At ease
4). Rest
What are five facing movements that can be executed at attention?
1). Right face
2). Left face
3). Half right face
4). Half left face
5). About face
How is the prescribed distance for a “step” measured?
From one heel to the other heel.
What is the only command given from Inspection Arms?
Ready Port, Arms
What are the two prescribed formations?
Line and column.
What is the correct distance between Soldiers in column formation?
Approximately 36 inches or one arm length plus 6 inches.
What command is given to form a column formation from a line formation?
Right, Face
How is the counting command executed in a line formation and column formation?
Line: right to left
Column: front to rear