AR 27-10: UCMJ Flashcards
What is UCMJ?
Uniform Code of Miltary Justice
Who is responsible for the overall supervision and administration of military justice within the ARMY?
The Judge Advocate General (TJAG)
What is an Article 15?
It is a type of non-judicial punishment for minor offenses imposed upon military personnel
Under what Article is nonjudicial punishment imposed?
Article 15
Who can give a summarized, company, and field grade Article 15?
Summarized: any Commanding officer
Company: any Commanding officer
Field: a Major or higher rank
Does a Soldier have to accept an Article 15?
No, a Soldier has the right to demand a trial by court martial
What is the maximum punishment under summarized proceedings?
Extra duty for 14 days
Restriction for 14 days
Oral reprimand or admonition
What is the max punishment for a company grade Article 15?
Forfeiture of 7 days pay
Restriction for 14 days
Extra duty for 14 days
1 grade reduction for E-4 and below
Letter of reprimand
What is the max punishment for a Field grade Article 15?
Forfeiture of half pay for 6 months
Restriction of 60 days
Extra duty for 45 days
Reduction of 1 or more ranks (E-4 and below) reduction of 1 rank (E-6 and E-5)
Letter of reprimand
What form is used for an Article 15?
DA Form 2627-1
What are the three types of court martial?
Summary (SCM)
Special (SPCM)
General (GCM)
What is the nation’s highest military court?
Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF)
What is one circumstance where a Soldier does not have the right to refuse an Article 15 and demand a trial by court martial?
When a Soldier is attaches to or embarked on a vessel
What is the process conducted in the presence of the Soldier charged with an Article 15?
Notification of Article 15
Hearing (can be omitted if the soldier admits guilt)
Imposition of punishment (if the findings result in determination of guilt)
What does Article 31 cover?
Soldiers rights
What are the “Rights” under Article 31?
The right to remain silent
The right to counsel
The right to demand trial
The right to present his/her case
What is the statute of limitations for nonjudicial punishment?
Two years
When will a nonjudicial punishment (Article 15) be destroyed?
After two years or when the Soldier transfers units, whichever occurs first
How many Articles are there?
146 main Articles
12 sub Articles
158 Articles total
What are the punitive Articles?
Articles 77-134
What Article under the UCMJ permits a member of the Armed Forces to make a complaint against Commanding officers?
Article 138