TBI Flashcards
What is single most common cause of death and injury in automobile accidents?
Ejection of occupant from vehicle
Leading cause of TBI?
Marital status of most TBI’s?
Single more than married
Definition of TBI contusion
Bruising of cortical tissue
What happens with diffuse axonal injury?
Disruption of axons due to acceleration-deceleration and rotational forces that cause shearing upon impact
What is most common cause of unconsciousness during and following first 24 hrs of injury?
Axonal injury
Two mechanisms of plasticity
- Neuronal regeneration/neuronal sprouting
- Functional reorganization/unmasking neural reorganization;
Diaschisis mechanism?
Lesion to one region of CNS leads to altered function in other areas of brain that were not severed if connection exists b/w two sites
What is consciousness a function of?
Ascending reticular activating system and cerebral cortex
What is vegetative state characterized by?
Resumption of sleep-wake cycle on EEG
Of the GCS items, which is best acute predictor of outcome?
Motor response
What does resolution of PTA clinically correspond to?
Period when incorporation of ongoing daily events occurs in the working memory
What defines end of PTA relative to GOAT?
Patients scores 75 or higher in GOAT for 2 consecutive days
Name a few examples of neuropsych testing
Halstead-Reitan Neuropsych Battery;
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS);
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
How to define elevated ICP?
ICP over 20 mmHg for more than 5 mins
What factors can increase ICP?
Turning head, loud noise, vigorous PT, chest PT, suctioning, elevated BP
Majority of post-traumatic seizures are
simple partial
Risk factors associated with late post-traumatic seizures
- Penetrating head injury
- Intracranial hematoma
- Early PTS
- Depressed skull fx
- Prolonged coma or PTA (over 24 hrs)
When are therapeutic anti-convulsant meds usually started after TBI?
Once late seizures occur
When reasonable to consider withdrawal of anti-epileptic drugs?
After 2-year, seizure-free interval
Medication best suited for post-traumatic agitation?
Classic drug cause of SIADH, particularly in TBI population?
Classic treatment of SIADH?
Fluid restriction;
can do salt tabs;
if severe symptoms, can infuse some hypertonic saline
What particular fx could cause DI?
In or near the sella turcica, which could tear stalk of pituitary gland
After concussion, what is each stage for return to play?
- Symptom-limited activity (re-intro of school work activities)
- Light aerobic exercise (increase HR)
- Sports-specific exercise (Add movement)
- Non-contact training drills (Exercise, coordination and cognitive load)
- Full-contact practice (Restore confidence and assess functional skills)
When are therapeutic anticonvulsant medications usually started in the TBI population?
Once late seizures occur
In the TBI population, what two anti-epileptic medications are preferred?
Carbamazepine, valproic acid
Agitated Behavior Scale rating
Below 21: normal;
22-28: mild agitation;
29-35: moderate agitation;
35-54: severe agitation