TB Tools 2 KO Curtain,TB Tools 3 Window Blanket, TB Tools 19 Sure Search Markers, TB Tools 21 Rabbit Tool, TB Tools 26 Hydra Ram, TB Tools PP Fans Flashcards
The KO curtain shall be inspected?
Weekly during MUD and after each use.
Any Doubt its OOS
The KO Curtain is 8’x6’ and has 4- 3/8” dia ropes 15’ long which are fireproof. One at each corner. If the curtain is deployed the Ladder officer shall prepare a letterhead address to whom?
Chief of Operations detailing the use and a description of any damage. Another copy shall be address to the Chief of Training
Where can you obtain a space KO curtain?
Under no circumstances can the KO Curtain be used during drills. If the company’s curtain is damaged in other than fire operations the company commander shall prepare a report and forward it to?
Chief of Operations
The training blanket is identified how?
It is black vinyl with yellow stripes forming an X
When transported on the apparatus for any reason the company officer shall make sure it is in a secure location and not used at any fire operations.
The window blanket can be pre-deployed to cover a window prior to failing in order to prevent a wind driven fire. The blanket is large enough to cover how many windows?
It may be deployed from 2 floors above the fire
Any unit may be used to deploy the blanket. Who shall designate a spotter to observe the deployment from the exterior?
The unit officer or the IC
During inspection of the window blanket it is revealed that the aluminized foil is peeling and separating from the white cloth. The blanket shall be placed OOS and the officer shall notify who to determine its serviceability?
The training window blanket can be identified how?
Its a colored leather blanket in a red vinyl bag w/ black strap marked “Training Only”
The training blanket has a 3rd strap that is not to be used during training or drills. Future blankets will have this feature.
There are 2 sizes of sure search door markers they are placed on the outside of the door knob. When?
When a member or team enter to perform a primary search.
They indicate that the search is complete OR in progress.
The large door marker can also be used as a latch strap. Select ladders and rescues have been issued theses straps. Each member shall be issued how many markers?
2 large and 2 small spares shall be kept on the apparatus.
Field com will also have a supply for use at major ops.
The Rabbit tool is designed to open inward opening doors. It may also be used on sliding elevator doors. It exerts over 4 tons (8000 lbs) of force However, it cannot be used as?
An extrication tool This is misuse of the tool and may result in injury.
The pump is designed to operate in the horizontal position, but it may be used vertically if the hose is facing?
The door should open in 3-4 pumps
Officers supervising forcible entry operations with the rabbit tool on door that are protected with shields are directed to ensure no member?
Stands in front of the lock while the operation is in progress.
NEVER attempt to grasp a leaking hose under pressure.
The hydra ram opens 3/4” per stroke to a max of 4” it exerts 10,000 lbs of force and weighs 12 lbs. Its main purpose is for forcible entry of?
Inward AND outward opening doors
It may be used underwater and can be used from the side of a vehicle hood or truck.
NEVER strike the hydra Ram with a tool to gain a purchase. The tools operates in what position?
Dont forget the 3 and 1 oil from the imprest fund!
The positive pressure fans (PPF) are ~155 lbs and will run for 2-3 hrs at full throttle. They produce 24K CFM and hold ~ 1.5 gallons of gas. Whenever PPF’s need to be lifted how many members shall be used?
The PPF shall NEVER be transported while in operation
Exhaust hoses shall ALWAYS be used
Fuel levels shall ALWAYS remain full to allow for max operation time
Fans shall be inspected daily at the start of the 9x6 tour. At MUD the fan shall be started and run at FULL RPM for how long?
5 minutes.
Visually inspect belt prior to starting fan