TB 176 Seek Reveal Firepro Thermal Imaging Camera Flashcards
Members shall ensure it is accounted for and appropriately charged _____________
each morning and at relief.
Some of the many uses for the Reveal FirePRO include, but are not limited to:
360 Size-ups Locating the Seat of a Fire Locating Hot Spots Identifying Potential Flashover Conditions Search and Rescue Procedures Rapid Intervention Operations Mayday Managing Overhaul Hazmat – Hazardous Materials Incidents Ventilation Operations Training
To switch the device off, press and hold down the CENTER button for __ seconds until the screen goes dark.
To access the menu, simultaneously press
both the LEFT and RIGHT button and hold for at least one second.
The menu allows the user to access the following:
Gallery, Switching Temperature Settings from Fahrenheit (°F) to Celsius (°C), Device Settings, Flashlight, and Device Information.
When the device is on auto (shutoff), it is set to a default of __ minutes which can be adjusted more or less depending on the user’s preferences.
To engage the flashlight, press the SIDE button on the ____ side of the camera. Pressing the button ____ times will toggle you through the options “High,” “Low,” “Strobe,” and “Off.”
The temperature color bar visually displays a temperature range up to?
1022°F (550°C).
The Reveal FirePRO has three different modes which have been optimized for First Responders. They are?
The “fire” mode is specifically designed for locating?
The “Survey” mode is optimal for helping locate?
downed firefighters or victims during search and rescue.
This mode has a monochromatic filter of different shades of blue which turn white around warmer areas?
Survey Mode
This is a demonstration mode and is best suited for classroom training?
Color mode
The Reveal FirePRO will provide up to __ hours of scanning time with a full charge.
For members carrying one radio, the camera shall be attached (using supplied caribiner)?
to one of the extension mic holders on front of the turnout coat above the empty radio pocket. The camera shall then be stored below the attachment point within the identified pocket.
For members utilizing two radios, the Reveal FirePRO shall be carried?
inside the facepiece pouch of the turnout coat, while attached to a secure point (e.g. mic holder or attachment ring on turnout coat).
If the Reveal FirePRO is not functioning properly, return it to the ____________ for an evaluation.
LAFD Equipment Engineering Unit
Perform a hard system reset by holding down the _____ button for _____ seconds, release and wait
thirty seconds
Battery power should be at least __% to achieve optimal performance.
If the flashlight works but the thermal imager does not turn on, you should?
charge the device with a 1-amp wall charger.