T.B. 127 - Inspection Cycles - Daily Pre-Trip Flashcards
The Daily Pre-Trip Inspection (F-972) is divided into how many general categories?
Where is the F-972 retained?
For how long?
1 month past the LAST entry
Items marked with an “Asterix” require ________ repair or correction
Step 3: Cab Check
What is the (*) Immediate Repair?
Horn/Siren *
Step 4: Brakes
What are the THREE (*) Immediate Repairs?
Brakes/Rotors/Hoses *
Air Brake Test (COLA) *
Parking Brake *
Step 5: Lights
What are the THREE (*) Immediate Repairs?
Emergency Lights * - Verify Operation, check for moisture in housing.
Head Lights * - low and high beams
Brake Lights *
Step 6: Walk-Around Inspection
What are the FOUR (*) Immediate Repairs?
Tires (C.I.D.) *
Wheels / Lugs *
Suspension / Axles *
Steering Components *
Step 5: Brakes
When checking the BRAKES/ROTORS/HOSES *, inspect the Condition and Thickness of the PADS, Condition of ROTORS and hoses and mounting of Canisters. Verify the Travel of the SLACK ADJUSTERS is not more than ___ in. with Brakes Releaseed.
1 in.
The Air Compressor must CUT-IN no lower than ____ psi.
LAFD vehicles usually Cut-In at approx. ___ psi.
85 psi
100 psi
Normal CUT-OUT pressure is ___ - ___ psi.
Max CUT-OUT pressure is ____ psi.
110 - 120 psi
130 psi Max.
Leakage Test: Apply steady pressure to the brake pedal for 1 full minute. After the initial drop in pressure the Air Pressure must NOT drop more than ___ psi for Single Vehicles and ___ psi for Combination Vehicles.
3 psi
4 psi
Alarms: With Engine OFF and Ignition Switch ON. Reduce Air Tank Pressure to cause LOW-PRESSURE Warning Device to activate. The Device must activate between ___ - ___ psi.
55 - 75 psi