Taxi and Takeoff Flashcards
True or false: Unless specified otherwise, when told to taxi to a runway, you are cleared to cross all other taxiways and runways along the route except the departure runway itself.
Normal power setting for taxiing the T-6A is ______.
A general rule of thumb is to taxi no faster than ______ knots when operating in a congested area, and no faster than ______ knots when outside the congested area.
5-7; 15
In the absence of local guidance, if you are taxiing directly behind another aircraft, a safe spacing to maintain is ______ feet.
If you observe a flashing green light signal from tower while taxiing, what action should you take?
Continue taxi
True or false: If the nose or a main landing gear contact an arresting cable support donut, you must have the aircraft inspected by qualified maintenance personnel prior to next flight.
The maximum crosswind allowed for takeoff in the T-6A with FLAPS TO or FLAPS UP is ______ knots.
What are the two types of takeoff options available to a pilot?
Static and rolling
For a static takeoff, set power between ______ and ______ % torque prior to brake release.
25; 30
On takeoff in the T-6A, rotate between ______ and ______ nose high at 85 KIAS.
7°; 10°
In the T-6A, expect to need approximately _____right rudder initially on takeoff roll.
True or false: Brakes should be used during takeoff to assist in maintaining directional control.
Once the proper takeoff attitude is established, maintain the aircraft’s pitch ______.
And allow the aircraft to fly itself off the runway
As the aircraft accelerates, maintain the desired climb airspeed of ______ KIAS.
On takeoff, a crosswind can cause the aircraft to ______ into the wind and the ______.
Weathervane; upwind wing to rise
To control the effects of crosswinds on takeoff, hold the proper amount of aileron ______ the wind to counter the tendency for the ______ to rise.
Into, wing
True or false: If issued a “hold short” clearance you are required to precisely read it back to the controller.
If you’re not sure of the proper taxi route, you should request ______.
Progressive taxi instructions
If you find yourself taxiing on a single yellow line with dashed double yellow lines along both sides of the pavement, you are most likely on a ______.
In absence of local guidance, a safe distance to maintain taxiing directly behind another aircraft is 150 feet. If staggered in trail, this distance can be reduced to ______ feet.
If you observe a flashing white light from tower while you are taxiing, what action should you take?
Return to starting point
What is the maximum tailwind component for takeoff in the T-6A?
10 knots
On takeoff in the T-6A, rotate between 7° and 10° nose high at ______ KIAS.
When taking off, the PCL should always be advanced ______ and ______.
Smoothly and continuously
In the T-6A, the tendency of the aircraft to ______ due to engine torque/P-factor will help counteract the weathervaning tendency caused by a crosswind from the right.
Yaw left
Usually, a crosswind takeoff requires ______ to maintain aircraft directional control.
Downwind rudder