Clearing, Cross-Check, and Basic Flight Flashcards
Which performance instrument that will provide your first indication of an incorrect pitch setting?
During straight and level flight, your primary reference is the EADI, with airspeed, altitude, and heading cross-checks. Which performance instrument increases in importance during a turn?
Which performance instrument provides your first indication of failure to maintain zero bank in straight and level flight?
Use composite references as your primary attitude reference in place of ______.
True or false: The ball should be centered for coordinated flight, regardless of bank angle.
How many Gs does it take to perform a level 60° bank turn?
True or false: An ILS final approach is a good example of a rate descent.
You need to make a radio call to the controlling agency, but it isn’t one of the standard local area radio calls. What information should you provide to the controlling agency?
You should state the controlling agency, your call sign, and what you want.
Which transponder code would you set if you experience a two-way radio failure?
Which instruments are your performance instruments?
ASI, Altimeter, VSI
Which performance instrument will provide the first indication of an incorrect pitch setting during level flight?
You are in level flight when you notice a heading deviation. What is normally the cause of a heading deviation?
Failure to maintain zero bank angle
You are 20° off your desired heading. What bank angle will you use to make your correction?
You notice the aircraft is out of trim. In what order should you trim the control surfaces?
Rudder, elevator, aileron
Adjusting your heading so you fly a straight line groundtrack is called ______.
You are in straight and level flight when you notice the ball on the turn and slip indicator is not centered. What does this indicate?
The aircraft is out of yaw trim
You are descending to 4000 feet at 200 KIAS. Your VSI indicates a 1500 fpm descent. At what altitude will you begin your level off?
Your call sign is Texan 22, and you have been told to change to frequency 351.8. What is the correct phraseology for your response?
Texan too too, tree fife wun point ait
True or false: Clearance to taxi would normally be transmitted through ATIS
What is the correct transponder code for an emergency?
Visual accommodation refers to the time it takes your eyes to focus. To ensure you will be able to see and recognize traffic, how long should you clear a given area to be sure your eyes have had sufficient time to focus?
2-3 seconds