Taxation of Trusts Flashcards
Does the taxation of trusts impact a trustee’s own tax position?
Trustees are jointly liable for self assessment on the Trust, who completes it?
One Trustee completes it
What is the tax position if a settlor or their partner retains an interest in a trust?
Liable to income tax even if doesn’t receive the income, if set up for an unmarried child under 18 income treated as his own if exceeds £100 p.a. (Except trusts for the vulnerable)
What are the five types of Trust for tax?
Bare Trusts for Vulnerable Beneficiaries Interest in Possession Discretionary Accumulation and Maintenance
What is the priority order for expenses in a Trust and what is the basic tax rate for each of three sources of income?
- Dividend 7.5%
- Savings 20%
- Other 20%
How is a Bare Trust treated for Income Tax
Beneficiary includes on their tax return and pays tax after deducting personal allowance
How is income from a parent to an unmarried minor treated in a Bare Trust
If income more than £100 treated as parents
Who are Trusts for Vulnerable Beneficiaries for?
*They have been around since 2004
Mentally incapacitated
*Under 18 and lost a parent, *this includes; Statutory Trusts / Will Trusts / Criminal Compensation Trusts - they give the child income to age 18 at which point they are entitled to the capital.
What happens if there is more than one beneficiary and only one qualifies as a Vulnerable Beneficiary
Only the Vulnerable Beneficiary qualifies for special Trust Tax treatment
What is the Definition of disabled to qualify as Vulnerable Beneficiary (there are four circumstances)?
*Only qualifies if the Trust property can only be used by the disabled person and they are entitled to any income from it.
(1) Mentally unable to look after their affairs
(2) Care element of Attendance Allowance
(3) *PIP
(4) *DLA
* Middle or higher rate
How is Income Tax calculated on a Trusts for Vulnerable Beneficiaries
1 Calculate tax if no special treatment
2 Calculate tax if based on own tax position
3 Trustees claim back the difference and deduct from liability
What is an Interest In Possession Trust?
One or more beneficiaries have the right to income as it is generated.
How to calculate Income Tax on an Interest in Possession Trust
Trustees pay beneficiary after first deducting BRT and then expenses
Trustee provided beneficiary with R185E
Beneficiary adds grossed up income after expenses received to their taxable income with BRT credit
*Alternatively income could be paid directly to the beneficiary rather than passing it through the trust which could reduce expenses and allow the beneficiary to make a tax reclaim
Describe how to calculate the Gross Trust income and Tax credit for an Income in Possession Trust Beneficiary?
(Net income - expenses) Grossed up = Gross Income
(Gross Income x 20%) = Tax Credit
How are Trustees of a Discretionary Trust taxed?
Tax paid by trustees if accumulated or paid out
Expenses chargeable to income are grossed up and set against income
Standard Rate Band (£1,000) divided by all of the settlor’s trusts
BRT up to Standard Rate Band (20% or 7.5%)
ART paid by trustees for income above standard rate band (45% or 38.1%)
What is the priority order for applying the Discretionary Trust standard rate band and what is the minimum per Trust when a settlor has multiple trusts?
- Non Dividend Income 20%
2.Dividend Income 7.5%
Minimum of £200 per Trust
When the Trustees of a Discretionary Trust distribute income it is treated by the beneficiaries as if tax already paid at 45%, so what must the Trustees ensure?
They have paid enough income tax in current or previous years to cover the 45% tax credit, the Tax Pool keeps track of the tax the trustees have paid and if insufficient they must pay the difference.
A shortfall can arise due to some of the income falling in the standard rate band / gains for life policies entering the trust
How are Beneficiaries of a Discretionary Trust Taxed
Only pay tax if income paid out
It is treated as trust income so can not use any allowances
Received with a 45% tax credit, can claim difference back if not ART payer
If trustees paid less than 45% (by using the standard rate) trustees pay the difference or if no “tax pool” they should distribute less
CGT on trusts?
Is CGT payable when a beneficiary becomes absolutely entitled to settled property?