Tax Planning Flashcards
What are the eligibility requirements for a Subchapter S Corporation?
- 100 or less shareholders.
- Can only have a single class of outstanding common stock, but it can be voting or non-voting.
- Has to be a DOMESTIC corporation.
- Only individuals, estates and certain trusts may be shareholders.
- Non-resident aliens cannot be shareholders.
Tax Basis for Partnership / LLC
- Cash invested
- Direct loans made to the partnership
- Partnership Debt: Loans made TO the partnership (bank loans). Not made to the partner.
- S-Corp basis does NOT include bank loans even if the S-Corp owner personally guarantees the debt.
Property Classes
1245 Property (Non real estate):
- 5 Year: Computers, Autos, Trucks.
- 7 Year: Office Equipment
1250 Property (real estate):
- 27.5 Year: Residential RENTAL property
-39 Year: Non-residential REAL property
Boot / Gain Recognized / Basis
- No Boot Received: Recognized gain is ZERO!
- When Boot is Received the recognized gain is the boot RECEIVED.
- Boot paid is added to Basis
- Boot carries over from the prior property.
Netting Capital Gains and Losses
Step 1:
- ST Capital Gains and ST Losses are netted.
- LT Capital Gains and LT Losses are netted.
Step 2:
- If a gain and loss remains, THEY ARE NETTED.
Step 3:
- If a loss remains after netting capital gains and losses, ONLY $3,000 OF NET LOSSES CAN BE USED TO OFFSET ORDINARY INCOME.
Sale of Personal Residence: Section 121
- Single: $250,000 of gain from sale is tax-free.
- MFJ: $500,000 of gain from sale is tax-free.
- Must have lived in the home for 2 out of the last 5 years.
- Exceptions: Taxpayer moves for new job 50 miles away. Divorce, legal separation, or death. Becoming eligible for unemployment. Change in employment. Multiple births. Damage to home. Condemnation, foreclosure. An unforeseen circumstance.
If lived in the house for less than 2 years, there will be a prorated amount.
Recapture: 1245 PROPERTY ONLY (5&7)!! NO 1250 (27.5&39)
- When the sole proprietor purchases equipment and takes depreciation (CRD), the CRDs offset Ordinary Income in coming years.
- When the sole proprietor sells the equipment for a gain, they must:
First, recapture the LESSOR of CRDs taken or the GAIN realized as 1245 recapture (ORDINARY INCOME).
Second, recover any excess gain as 1231 gain (capital gain).
When the amount realized is less than the adjusted basis, the result is an ordinary loss.
Section 179: Qualifying vs Non-Qualifying Property
- Tangible personal property
- 1245 Property
- Real Estate
- 1250 property
- Intangible
AMT Preference Items
Intangible drilling costs (Excess)
Private-activity Municipal Bond
Oil and Gas percentage depletion
Depreciation (ACRS/MACRS, but not Straight-line)
Preference Items are income that normally is received tax-free, that may trigger AMT.
Notice that cost depletion is not a preference item, but percentage depletion IS!
AMT Add Back Items
Some itemized deductions are not allowable deductions for calculation of the AMT, which are called add back items, which include:
- Property, state, city/income and sales taxes (limited to $10,000/year)
- Incentive stock option bargain element (excess of the FMV over the option price at the exercise date).
The standard deduction is deductible
Postponing AMT
- Accelerating receipt of taxable income, or deferring payment of property taxes, state income taxes, deductible medical expenses, or charitable giving. THE REGULAR TAX (1040) MAY EXCEED THE AMT PAYABLE.
- Deferring exercise of incentive stock options to a later date (preference item), or DISQUALIFY the ISO so that it becomes NQSO subject to ordinary income.
- Purchase PUBLIC purpose muni bonds instead of PRIVATE purpose bonds.
Historic Rehabilitation Programs
- Held as passive activity.
- Generates a DEDUCTION-EQUIVALENT tax credit of UP TO $25,000.
- Phases out between $200,000 and $250,000 of AGI.
- Marginal tax bracket % x $25,000.
Low-income Housing Credit
- Held as passive activity.
- Generates a DEDUCTION-EQUIVALENT tax credit of up to $25,000.
- Allowed annually over a ten-year “credit period”
- Marginal tax bracket % x $25,000.
Types of Phantom Income
Insurance: Lapse of a policy loan, Section 162 (executive bonus) life/disability.
Investments: Zero/Strip income, TIPS, declared but not paid dividends.
Tax: K-1 income from LP/FLP, recapture
Retirement: NUA, 20% withholding plan distributions, secular trust.
Charitable Giving steps
- Calculate the MAXIMUM DEDUCTIBLE - 60% of AGI.
- Calculate the eligible amounts given to public charities. Churches, schools, hospitals and organizations such as the United Way, Red Cross, and Human Society.
- Calculate the eligible amounts given to private charities. Private non-operating foundations, war veteran groups, and fraternal orders.
Charitable Giving: Chart
Step 1: Calculate the maximum amount deductible. 60% of AGI.
Step 2: calculate the amount to public charities.
- Up to 60% of AGI for cash donations
- Up to 30% of AGI for LTCG Property using FMV.
- Up to 50% of AGI but using
Basis for LTCG property
Basis for inventory/works of art
Basis for STCG property
Basis for use unrelated property
Step 3: Calculate the amount to private charities
- Up to 30% of AGI for cash donations
- Up to 20% of AGI for LTCG property
- Up to 30% of AGI but using
Basis for inventory/works of art/use unrelated
Basis for STCG and LTCG property
Sources of Federal Tax Law/Authority: Internal Revenue Code
Primary source of all tax law.
Sources of Federal Tax Law/Authority: Treasury regulations
Great authority, but not law.
Sources of Federal Tax Law/Authority: Revenue rulings and Revenue procedures
Administrative interpretation/may be cited.
Sources of Federal Tax Law/Authority: Congressional Committee reports
Indicates the intent of congress/ may NOT be cited.
Sources of Federal Tax Law/Authority: Private letter rulings
Apply to a specific taxpayer.
Sources of Federal Tax Law/Authority: Judicial sources
Court decisions interpret.
Step transaction
Ignore individual transactions, tax the ultimate transaction.
Sham Transaction
A transaction that lacks a business purpose and/or economic substance, will be ignored for tax purposes.