Task Standards Flashcards
TASK 1000
Participate in a Crew Mission Briefing
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
The crewmember receiving the aircrew mission brief will verbally acknowledge a complete understanding of the aircrew mission briefing.
TASK 1012
Verify Aircraft Weight and Balance
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
- Verify that CG and gross weight remain within aircraft limits for the duration of the flight IAW the aircraft current operator’s manual.
- Identify all mission or flight limitations imposed by weight or CG.
- Ensure DD Form(s) 365-4 has been completed in accordance with AR 95-1.
TASK 1014
Operate Aviation Life Support Equipment
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
- Inspect/perform operational checks on ALSE.
- Use personal and mission ALSE.
- Brief passengers in using ALSE.
TASK 1020
Prepare Aircraft for Mission
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
a. Perform a thorough passenger briefing and ensure that a passenger manifest is on file IAW AR
95-1. Conduct the passenger briefing IAW the aircraft current operator’s manual/CL and unit SOP.
b. Ensure that the passengers/cargo is restrained IAW the operators manual.
c. Ensure that floor limits are not exceeded.
d. Load the aircraft IAW the load plan, if applicable.
e. Install, secure, inspect and inventory all mission equipment.
f. Prepare the aircraft for the assigned mission.
TASK 1022
Perform Pre-Flight Inspection
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
NRCM: Assist in all before pre-flight and pre-flight duties IAW the aircraft current operator’s manual/CL, unit SOP, and for the designated duty position.
TASK 1024
Perform Before-Starting Engine through Before-Leaving Helicopter Checks
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
- Perform procedures and checks IAW the aircraft current operator’s manual/CL and HIT check procedures.
- Enter appropriate information on DA Form 2408-12, DA Form 2408-13, DA Form 2408-13-1, and the HIT log.
- View exceedance data as required.
TASK 1026
Maintain Airspace Surveillance
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
- Brief airspace surveillance procedures prior to flight. This will include scan sectors.
- Announce any unplanned drift or altitude changes, clear the aircraft, and immediately in form other crewmembers of all air traffic or obstacles that pose a threat to the aircraft.
- Announce when attention is focused inside the aircraft using a time limit that is appropriate for the conditions and announce when attention is focused back outside.
- Maintain airspace surveillance in assigned scan sectors.
TASK 1032
Perform Radio Communication Procedures
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
a. Operate intercommunication system.
b. Use the appropriate radio to communicate with the desired facility (as required for NRCM.)
TASK 1048
Perform Fuel Management Procedures
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
a. Initiate an in-flight fuel consumption check within 10 minutes of leveling off or within 10 minutes of entering into the mission profile.
b. Within 15 to 30 minutes after taking the initial readings, compute the fuel consumption rate ±50 pounds per hour and complete the fuel consumption check.
c. Monitor the remaining fuel quantity and the continuing rate of consumption.
TASK 1062
Perform Slope Operations
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
a. Confirm suitable landing area.
b. Confirm parking brake set before landing.
c. Announce drift and altitude.
TASK 1070
Respond to Emergencies
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
NRCM (if applicable).
a. Assist in identifying the emergency condition or system malfunction.
b. Assist in the conduct of the emergency response method.
c. Assist in confirming the suitability of the landing area, if required.
d. Prepare the aircraft and passengers for an emergency landing.
e. Evacuate passengers to designated assembly area.
TASK 1162
Perform Emergency Egress
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/ modifications:
- Perform or describe using emergency exits on the aircraft IAW the aircraft current operator’s manual.
- Perform or describe the emergency egress of a pilot, NRCM, or passenger from his or her seat.
- Perform or describe the engine shutdown of the aircraft IAW the aircraft current operator’s manual.
- Assist in marshaling passengers to designated assembly area.
- Perform or describe duties as briefed in the crew mission briefing.
TASK 1194
Perform Refueling Operations
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
- Ensure that safety procedures are complied with IAW ATP 4-43 and the aircraft current operator’s manual.
- If installed ensure that all doors and windows are closed on the refueling side (for hot refueling operations).
- Ensure that the aircraft is refueled IAW ATP 4-43, the aircraft current operator’s manual, ATP, and the unit SOP
- Enter the appropriate information on DA Form 2408-12.
TASK 1425
Employ Aviator Night Vision Imaging System
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
- Conduct operator’s checks IAW TM 11-5855-313-10 for the ANVIS.
- Properly mount the ANVIS on the flight helmet.
- Adjust the ANVIS to obtain the optimal sight adjustment point (OSAP).
TASK 1426
React to Aviator’s Night Vision Imaging System Failure
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
- Announce ANVIS failure by crew station.
- If P* experiences ANVIS failure transfer control to P.
- Troubleshoot ANVIS failure.
- Announce results of troubleshooting.
TASK 1500
Participate in a Crew-Level After-Action Review
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
- The PC will conduct a detailed crew-level after-action review using the example shown below or a unit-approved crew-level after-action review CL.
- All crewmembers will actively participate in the review.
TASK 1038
Perform Hovering Flight
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
- Perform a smooth, controlled ascent to hover.
- Perform a smooth, controlled descent with minimum drift at touchdown.
- M For coupled hover, engage the appropriate hover mode.
TASK 1040
Perform Visual Meteorological Conditions Takeoff
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
- Maintain aircraft in trim above 50 feet AGL or as appropriate for transition to mission profile.
- When operating within 3,000 lbs. of MAX GWT OGE, estimate the point where the aircraft will enter ETL and establish an abort line to assist in determining type of takeoff.
- Determine the type of takeoff that requires the appropriate amount of power to clear the obstacles, taking into account aircraft gross weight, winds, power available, and distance from obstacles:
a. Constant angle.
b. Vertical.
c. Level Acceleration.
d. Rolling Takeoff. - Additional Standards for rolling takeoff:
a. Before liftoff—
(1) Establish and maintain power, as necessary.
(2) Maintain alignment with takeoff direction ±5 degrees.
(3) Accelerate to desired/planned takeoff speed not to exceed 60 knots ground speed.
b. After liftoff—
(1) Adjust power, as required, not to exceed aircraft limits.
(2) Maintain ground track alignment with the takeoff direction with minimum drift.
(3) Maintain maximum rate of climb airspeed ±5 KIAS.
(4) Maintain aircraft aligned with runway (or suitable liftoff surface) below maximum rate of climb airspeed.
TASK 1052
Perform Visual Meteorological Conditions Flight Maneuvers
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and (RCM only) enter, operate in, and depart a traffic pattern
TASK 1054
Select Landing Zone - Pickup Zone - Holding Area
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
- Perform map, photo, or visual reconnaissance.
- Determine that the LZ, PZ, or holding area is suitable for operations and provide accurate and detailed information to supported unit (if applicable).
- (For power critical landings), Establish altitude, airspeed, and flight path for conducting a high reconnaissance commensurate with terrain and environmental conditions.
- Determine approximate wind direction and velocity at touchdown point and identify other pertinent wind characteristics in proximity to LZ.
- Assess the LZ size, axis, surface conditions, and obstacles.
- Plan ingress and egress routes to include escape routes required above and below ETL.
- Confirm the winds and tentative plan formulated in the high reconnaissance by performing a thorough low reconnaissance.
TASK 1058
Perform Visual Meteorological Conditions Approach
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications (RCM):
- Select a suitable landing area (analyze suitability, barriers, wind, approach path, touchdown point, and takeoff direction).
- Ensure that sufficient power exists for the type of approach/landing desired.
- Maintain a constant approach angle clear of obstacles to desired point of termination (hover) or touchdown (surface).
- Maintain rate of closure appropriate for the conditions.
- Maintain ground track alignment with the landing direction, as appropriate.
- Monitor wind conditions using cockpit indicators (CI).
- Determine wind direction and velocity at the landing point.
- Align aircraft with landing direction below 50 feet AGL or as appropriate for transition from terrain flight.
- Perform a smooth and controlled termination to a hover or touchdown to the surface.
TASK 1155
Negotiate Wire Obstacles
STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards and the following additions/modifications:
- Locate and estimate the height of wires.
- Determine the best method to negotiate the wire obstacle.
- Safely negotiate the wire obstacle.
Appropriate common standards for
all tasks.
Appropriate common standards for
all tasks.
(1) Do not exceed aircraft limitations.
(2) Crewmembers will comply with all evaluation considerations, warnings, cautions, and notes in the task.
(3) Perform crew coordination actions IAW chapter 7.
Appropriate common standards for
Appropriate common standards for
all Hovering. (NRCM Tasks).
- Maintain altitude, ±3 feet (±5 feet for OGE).
- Do not allow drift to exceed 3 feet (10 feet for OGE hover).
Appropriate common standards for all tasks with the APU/engines operating (RCMs and NRCMs).
Appropriate common standards for all tasks with the APU/engines operating (RCMs and NRCMs).
(1) Maintain airspace surveillance (Task 1026).
(2) Apply appropriate environmental considerations.