Task/Lecture 2 Flashcards
ability to produce similar results when the measure is taken several times.
- physical variables → measure fixed quantity and use the observed variation to derive the precision.
- measuring psychological variables → the precision of the estimate is called the margin of error.
- measuring judgments/ratings of multiple observers → establish the degree of agreement among observers by using a statistical measure of interrater reliability (kappa).
Testing reliability
Test-retest reliability: administering the same test twice, separated by a relatively long interval of time.
→ best used for stable characteristics.
Parallel-forms reliability: same as test-retest, but the second form is a different one, which is supposedly equivalent to the first.
→ deals with the problem of memorizing responses.
Split-half reliability: two parallel forms of the test are intermingled in a single test and administered together in one sitting.
measure that produces results that agree with a known standard.
→ Bias: differences between the standard value and the average score of the measure.
→ Precision of a measure limits the accuracy of a single measurement. However a measure can be very precise but not at all accurate.
the extent to which something measures what you intend to measure.
Face validity: how well an instrument measures what it was designed to measure.
Content validity: how well the content of the measure samples the knowledge, skills or behaviors that the test is intended to measure.
Criterion-related validity: how well a test score can be used to infer an individual’s value on some “criterion” measure.
Concurrent validity: scores on test and the criterion are collected at the same time → high concurrent validity = high correlation.
Predictive validity: scores predict directly related behavior in the future.
Construct validity: how well does the questionnaire measure the underlying theoretical construct. –> high construct validity if people who score high also behave as predicted by the theory.
Adequacy of a dependent measure
Sensitivity: some measures of a dependent variable may be insensitive to manipulation, whereas other measures under the same condition definitely show an effect.
Range Effects: occur when the values of a variable have an upper or lower limit, which is encountered during the course of the observation. (floor and ceiling) Range effects limit the values of the highest (or lowest) data points → no statistically reliable difference between the groups
Demand characteristics
cues that are unintentionally provided by the researcher or the research context concerning the expected behavior from participants.
- Cooperative attitude: participants may try to conform to the demand characteristics
- Apprehensive attitude: participants are worried about what will happen to them
- Negative attitude: participants may try to ruin the experiment
- Social desirability: participants want to come across as good as possible.
Experimenter bias
behavior of the experimenter can sometimes influence the outcome of the experiment - often unintentional. It can be a result of:
- Expectancy effects: a researcher may have preconceived ideas about how participants should behave and subtly communicate it to them.
- Treating different experimental groups differently: in such a way as to confirm the hypothesis being tested.
- Single-blind technique: experimenter does not know which treatment a subject has been assigned to.
Double-blind technique: both the experimenter and the participant don’t know at the time of testing with treatments the participants are receiving.
Automating: make the experiment as automated as possible by using computers.
Detecting/correcting problems
Pilot study: small-scale version of a study used to establish procedures, material and parameters to be used in the full study.
- can save time and money
- can clarify instructions, improve procedures, determine appropriate levels of the independent variables and the reliability and validity of the observational methods.
Manipulation checks: test whether the independent variables had the intended effects on the participants.
- used to determine why an independent variable failed to produce an effect and whether the participants perceived the experiment in the manner in which you intended
quantifying behaviour
Frequency method: record the number of times a particular behavior occurs within a time period.
Duration method: how long particular behavior lasts.
Intervals method: divide your observation period into discrete time intervals and then record whether a behavior occurs within each interval.
sampling strategy
Time sampling: alternate between scanning the group for a specific period of time and then recording the observed behaviors for the next period
→ appropriate when behavior occurs continuously.
Individual sampling: select a single subject for observation over a given time period and then record the observed behavior.
→ appropriate when you want to preserve the organization of an individual’s behavior over time rather than note how often particular behaviors occur.
Event sampling: observe only one behavior and record all instances.
→ appropriate when one behavior of interest can be clearly defined and focused on.
Naturalist oberservations
observing your subjects in their natural environments without making any attempt to control or manipulate variables.
+ insight to how behaviour occurs in real world –> high external validity
- can’t investigate underlying causes
–> has to be unobtrusive, so use indirect measures when possible.
researcher becomes immersed in the behavioral/social system being studied. In most cases it is conducted in field settings → field researcher.
- participant or nonparticipant.
- conducted overtly or covertly.
- Non participant covert observation is essentially naturalistic observation.
- Participant covert observation carries ethical issues → subjects cannot give informed consent → such violations can be acceptable if the results promise a significant contribution to science.
Designing questionnaire
Demographics: characteristics of participants - used as a predictor variable. Non-demographic items like attitude might also be used as predictor variables.
Criterion variable: representing the behavior of interest, measured by an item or several items.
Different types of questions
Open-ended items: allow the participant to respond in their own words.
+ more complete/accurate info
- may not be the answer you need
Restricted items (closed-ended items): provide a limited number of specific response alternatives.
+ easy to summarise
- poor info
- may not reflect the participants opinion
Partially open-ended items: like restricted items, but they include an “other” option - gives the opportunity to the participant to give an answer that is not listed.
Rating scales: restricted items that use a rating scale rather than response alternatives.
- Stretched rating scale: one that has a finer scaling format in one end - may set up a demand characteristic to respond on the finer end of the scale.
- Likert scale: provides a series of statements which indicate degrees of agreement or disagreement.
Mail survey: questionnaire is mailed directly to participants. They complete and return it at their leisure
+ easy
- nonresponse bias
Internet survey: posting surveys on the internet
+ easy
- nonresponse bias
- may not represent the entire population
Telephone surveys: contacted through phone calls
- laws prohibiting this
Group administered surveys: administering the questionnaire to a large group of individuals that you have at your disposal.
+ large amount of data
+ reduced volunteer bias
- may not be treated seriously
- cant really ensure anonymity
- pressure on participants
Face to face interviews: direct conversation with the participant.
Structured interview: ask prepared questions
Unstructured interview: have a general idea of the issue to discuss, but no prepared questions.
- behaviour of interviewer may affect answers
- social context may affect responses.
Mixed-mode surveys: employing more than one survey technique
+ increase likelihood of reaching potential responders
- Responders may respond differently to the same question delivered in different modes.