Task 7 mind reading Flashcards
Piaget (theory of mind)
o argued that mental phenomena are quite confusing for young children, because they are not obvious.
o He focused on two separable aspects of an understanding of mind:
1. Understanding of nature of mental entities (= thoughts, dreams).
2. Use of psychological reasoning to explain human actions (= how intentions explain human acts).
o Problem – Research showed that mentalistic understanding of persons and their actions emerges rapidly in most children. Especially for 3, 4 and 5-‐year-‐olds.
Mental entities
It reflects the ability to make distinctions between mental and physical representations.
o Contrary to Piaget’s sayings, young children do understand difference between what is mental and what is physically real.
They understand thinking as a mental, private process
Psychological reasoning
Processing of mental states that provide causes and explanations for persons actions
Belief-desire psychology
System about reasoning of mind, world and behavior.
It explains and predicts action regarding what a person thinks, knows and expects, together with what he/she wants, intends and hopes for.
It also includes emotional reactions resulting from desires, beliefs, preferences and perceptions.
Referring to thoughts and belief
At age 3 children start to use words like “think and know”
False belief task
Is correctly solved at an age of 4 the easier Sally Anne task is solved with an age of 4 too
Surprise (after ToM)
Slightly after understanding false believe they start to understand that surprise depends on the knowing that their expectation of their own world will be disconfirmed (5 years)
Deception (after ToM)
5 years old children start to understand and use deception
Second order beliefs (after ToM)
thinking about what another person beliefs about he believe of a third person (5years)
Three phases of Wellman
o 1. 2 years old theory based on desire psychology, they assume that peoples desire influences their behaviour
o 2. 3 years theory based on belief-desire psychology, they now added the persons beliefs about he world of another person
o 3. 4 years Children acknowledge that beliefs can also have inaccurate interpretations
Perner (theory of ToM)
Emphasizes change that happens at age of 4 years, time when children understand false belief
o Metarepresentation: understanding of the distinction between what is being referred to (the referent) and what it is represented as (4 years)
Leslie (theory of ToM)
o Metarepresnetation in connection with pretend play, children start to pretend play with an age of 18 months
Harris (theory of ToM)
o Simulation: Harris states that children project emotions on others which they know from their selves
Understanding of desire and emotions (precursor)
age of 2 children start to use words to describe their own state of mind
Distinguishing mental states in language (precursor)
o 3 years olds can distinguish between mental states and external reality