Task 6: Error-monitoring Flashcards
A1: Discuss the neuranatomical organization of the mPFC
- vmPFC
- > overlaps with mOFC
- dmPFC
- > PreSMA & SMA
- > medial part of superior frontal gyrus
- Cingluate cortex
-> Gyrus vs. cortex (think of sulci)
-> ACC (affective)
pACC (pregenual)
sACC (subgenual)
-> refered to as rACC (Taylor)
-> MCC (motor)
-> referred to as dACC, ACC or rCMA
A2: Explain the functional role of the motor section of the mPFC (think of MCC in Rushworth’s model)
- MCC -> action selection, action monitoring
- vmPFC -> outcome monitoring, reward-based decision-making/reward expectation (closely related to outcome monitoring)
- pACC -> social processing (self-knowledge, person perception, mentalizing)
A2: Discuss the proposed functional division between MCC & SFG. Draw parallels to similar organizations of object selection (task 5) regions.
anterior/inferior MCC
- > action monitoring
- weighing/updating/evaluating action-outcome associations
- Task 5: lOFC for weighting/updating/evaluating stimulus-outcome associations
posterior/superior SFG ((Pre)SMA)
- > action selection
- response competition/comparison, conflict resolution (e.g. via automatic inhibition)
- Task 5: mOFC/vmPFC for object selection/comparison
- Task 1: (Pre)SMA, vPreMC for action selection (Wong)
A3: Describe the experiment by Camille et al. (2011) on stimulus & action value in lesion patients (bridge between task 5 & 6)
- Methods
- lesion in mOFC/vmPFC (S-R)
- lesion in mCC (A-O, action selection)
- healthy control
2 reversal learning tasks:
- Stimulus value tasks
- > S-R associations are learned & relearned
- > choice between 2 decks of cards
- > each choice results in either win or loss (monetary feedback)
- Action selection task
- > A-O associations are learned & relearned
- > choice between 2 movements (internal/external twisting of wrist)
- > one choice associated with better reward probability
- > after 13 correct trials, probabilities are reversed
A3: Describe the experiment by Camille et al. (2011) on stimulus & action value in lesion patients (bridge between task 5 & 6)
- Results
mOFC/vmPFC lesion:
- selective impairment for stimulus-reward task (no deficit in action task)
- > more errors learning S-O
- > completed fewer reversals
- > more likely to switch choices after a win
mCC lesion:
- selective impairment for action-reward task (no deficit in stimulus task)
- > more errors learning A-O
- > more likely to switch choices after a win
- OFC & MCC have dissociable roles in value-based decisions -> stimulus/action selection
- not fundamental for learning (more errors but still possible!)
- Evidence for Rushworth’s division
A4: Thinking about the similarity of MCC & vmPFC/OFC (action/stimulus selection), why is it not surprise that the MCC is critical for outcome monitoring?
- vmPFC also involved in reward-based decision-making/reward expectation
- Reward-processing & performance monitoring have a close relationship
- role in determining the reward prediction error (striatum)
- > likely MCC has similar role for actions
- support by Camille study
A4: Explain the Ullsperger et al (2003) experiment on brain systems involved in outcome monitoring/error detection, with MCC in central position.
- Participants observe short sequence of motion of 2 balls moving towards a finish line
- after 1.43s balls disappeared & subjects had to predict which ball would first cross the finish line
- Measured activity increases
1) error always followed by negative feedback & correct responses always followed by positive feedback
- -> informative on all trials
- Error + negative feedback: “I am uncertain + feedback is certain”
- > rCMA, Anterior Inferior Insula, Habenula, (Pre)SMA
- > brain response to error & omission of reward
- > could also represent response conflict & uncertainty - Correct + positive feedback: “I am certain + feedback is certain”
- > vS/NA, putamen
2) 26.5% of trials contained no feedback information -> uncertainty
- Error + negative feedback: “I am uncertain + feedback is certain”
- > rCMA + insula
- Error + no feedback: “I am uncertain + feedback is uncertain”
- > no data
- Correct + positive feedback: “I am certain + feedback is certain”
- > vS/NA
- Correct + no feedback: “I am certain + feedback is uncertain”
- > habenular complex
Distinct activation for reward (vS) and no reward (rCMA + insula)
Distinct activation for unexpected non-reward
(- kinda like negative prediction error?)
- influenced DA neurons -> restrains midbrain nuclei -> influences reward prediction error calculation
A5: Describe the phenomenon and the circumstances that are critical for Error-related negativity (ERN)
- rCMA & habenula
- Error detection vs. response conflict monitoring
- ~60-120ms after error response
- Negative, upward deflection
- Fronto-central scalp signal
Ullsperger: ERN generated by MCC
- rCMA activates in response to errors if followed by negative feedback
- Habenula indirectly influenced rCMA by selectively increasing its activity for negative feedback on errors
- > ERN reflects error detection
- > independent of whether subject is conscious of error
Rushworth: Dissociation of error detection & response monitoring
- MCC sulcus/rCMA -> error detection
- > mediates cost-benefit decisions by comparing expected outcome with cost of action
- > Reward-guided action selection + learning of action-outcome associations
- TMS lesion -> reduced ERN, intact error awareness
- SFG ((Pre)SMA), SEF) -> action comparison, response conflict monitoring
- > task control + selection of action sets
- > necessary when action selection rules are first implemented & changed (set-switching, conflict)
- TMS lesion -> less sensitivity to response conflict
A6: How does error monitoring show up in forms of psychopathology
- Depression
- Schizophrenia
Hyperactive error-processing signals in OCD and depression
- Larger ERN
- > ERN magnutide correlates with OCD symptoms
- > Possible vulnerability factor for OCD
- Excessive task-related activity in MCC
- > increased resting activity in MCC
- > Explanation: problems with performance monitoring in OCD
- Larger ERN & feedback negativity
- > Negative affect (both in depression & OCD) may be associated with higher ERNs
- > some studies: no difference/reduced ERNs - Association between ERN magnitude & S-allele of 5-HTTLPR
- > associated with neuroticism &life stress
- Smaller ERN
- Diminished MFC signals in response to errors (error detection & response conflict)
- > rACC is source of this decrease (no dACC)
- > interpreted as reflecting motivational deficit (negative schizophrenic symptom) interacting with performance monitoring
- > Inverse correlation between ERN magnitude & negative symptom severity
Theoretical relation of ERN & emotional responses
Error = negative emotional response
- may be important part of measured scalp potential
- rACC might process emotional component of error signal
- > has more projections to limbic system (e.g. AMY) than cACC
- MCC: cognitive acativity
- rACC: emotional activity
Response interference task
- errors -> affective response to a stimulus would reflect the salience & value that an individual attaches to a stimulus
- errors leading to monetary loss -> greater rACC activity vs. errors where no money is lost (or gained)
- > greater value on performing correctly -> may drive excessive ERN in rACC