Task 3: Basal Ganglia Flashcards
A1: Revise the anatomical & basic functional organization of the Basal Ganglia (BG)
Striatum: Caudate + putamen, divided by internal capsule
- Major input structure of BG
Globus pallidus: internal (GPi) + external (GPe)
- GPi: major output structure to thalamus
- GPe: part of indirect pathway
Substantia Nigra: pars compacta (SNc) + pars reticulata (SNr)
- SNc: DA pathways to striatum
- SNr: major output structure to thalamus with GPi
Subthalamic Nucleus (STN): - indirect & hyperdirect pathway
What are Medium Spiny Neurons (MSNs)?
- form 95% of neurons in striatum
- mostly GABAergic
- modulated by DA from SNc/VTA
- receive information from cortex integrated by interneurons
What structures form the ventral Striatum?
Nucleus Accumbens (NA)
Medial & ventral portions of caudate & putamen
Cells of olfactory tubercle & anterior perforated substance
A1: What neurotransmitters play a role in the BG?
GABA (transient & tonic inhibitory signal)
Glutamate (transient, excitatory signal)
DA (transient & tonic, excitatory & inhibitory modulation)
A1: Give an overview of the direct pathway
Direct: Disinhibition/movement initiation
Cortex -> more transient glutamate
- > striatum -> more transient GABA
- > GPi -> less tonic GABA
- > thalamus -> more transient glutamate (disinhibited)
- > frontal motor neurons
A1: Give an overview of the indirect pathway
Indirect: Inhibition of motor initiation
Cortex -> more transient glutamate -> striatum -> more transient GABA -> GPe -> less tonic GABA (-> STN -> more transient glutamate) -> GPi -> more tonic GABA -> thalamus -> less transient glutamate (inhibited)
A1: Give an overview of the hyperdirect pathway
Hyperdirect: Fast inhibition of motor initiation
Cortex -> more transient glutamate
- > STN -> more transient glutamate
- > GPi -> more tonic inhibition
- > thalamus (inhibited) -> less transient glutamate -> motor areas
A2: Describe the loop-structure of BG & the similarities and differences between the loops
- Cortex -> striatum -> thalamus
- dorsal to ventral
- Principle of disinhibition
- direct, indirect & hyperdirect pathways
- signal returns back to original place in cortex (hence, loop)
- all receive input from Primary Sensory/Motor Cortex (+ their individual regions)
- Function & specific areas
1) Motor (limb)
2) Oculomotor
3) Executive/associative
4) Emotion/motivaiton (limbic)
A2: For each loop name the function & cortical input regions
1) Motor (limb) -> movement
- Stimulus-response learning (S-R)
- M1, SMA, PreMC, CMA (cingulate motor area)
2) Oculomotor -> saccades
- Similar to motor/limb
3) Executive/associative
- Action-outcome learning (A-O)
- dlPFC -> executive function
- lOFC -> empathic/socially appropriate behaviour
4) Emotion/motivation (limbic) -> mood/motivated behaviour/reward
- Stimulus-outcome learning (S-O)
A2: Explain the 2 anatomical observations of interaction between the BG loops (Haber (2016)):
1) Topographical & integrative connectivity of corticostriatal projections
- Different cortical inputs are topographically organized in the dorsomedial striatum
- > form cortico-striatal hubs
1) mPFC/ACC -> reward/emotion/motivation
2) vmPFC -> visceral/emotional functions/monitoring/flexibility
3) dlPFC -> higher/executive functions/cognition
4) OFC -> S-O representations
5) dACC -> reward & action network/working memory - The different corticostriatal paths converge in the rostral striatum
-> integration of motivational, reward & cognitive control information
(think back to striatal MSNs which receive integrated information from interneurons)
A2: Explain the 2 anatomical observations of interaction between the BG loops (Haber (2016)):
2) Inverse striato-nigro-striatal projections
Inverse dorsal-ventral relationship between topographically matching parts of striatum and midbrain DA regions
1) midbrain –> striatum
Dorsal tier (VTA, dSNc) –> DA cells –> ventral striatum
Ventral tier (SNr) –> DA cells –> dorsal(lateral) striatum
2) striatum –> midbrain
Dorsal striatum –> dorsal midbrain
Ventral striatum –> ventral midbrain
VTA & medial SN –> related to limbic system
lateral midbrain –> associative striatal regions
ventral midbrain –> motor striatal regions
A2: Summarize the flow of information through the BG loops by giving an example for meaningful behaviour
Striatum-midbrain connections are organized in an ascending spiral
- -> connect different functional regions of striatum
- -> signal for meaningful behaviour moves through loops
Stimulus: dickhead ex boyfriend
Action: slap him
Outcome: he suffers
1) Limbic loop (S-O): I see my ex boyfriend and I want him to suffer
2) Associative loop (A-O): If I slap him, he will suffer
3) Motor (S-A): When I see my ex boyfriend, I will slap him
A3: What is the role of Tonic Dopamine (DA) in the BG?
- Where does it come from?
- Where does it go? (direct/indirect)
- Where does it come from, Cotton Eyed Joe?
glutamate & GABA are drivers in BG
Dopamine is a modulator in the BG
DA origin: SNc & SNr + VTA (mdibrain)
-> signals to striatum (inverse topographical organization)
D1 –> stimulatory signal into striatum
- -> causes LTP in direct pathway - -> (more active GPi --> more disinhibition thalamus --> stronger GO)
D2 –> inhibitory signal into striatum
–> causes LTD in indirect pathway
–> (less active GPi –> more
inhibition of thalamus –> weaker NOGO)
- > facilitates learning/movement initiation
- > increased trigger-readiness in BG
A3: Describe common symptoms seen in Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease
- Motor symptoms (tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, akinesia, unstable posture)
- Cognitive symptoms (set-shifting/cognitive flexibility, working memory, attention, problem-solving, impulse control)
A3: Explain how DA cell death in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) interferes with Basal Ganglia functioning
(Aberrant learning hypothesis)
- loss of ~80% of DA neurons in SN and striatum
- degeneration of both D1 and D2 receptors
DA influences corticostriatal plasticity –> learning
D1 –> stimulants GO pathway –> LTP
D2 –> inhibits NOGO pathway –> LTD
No DA:
- Indirect pathway –> LTP for cortical inputs –> increased pathological behavioural inhibition(!) with every engagement in movement (it gets worse)
- -> aberrant/impaired learning - Direct pathway –> no LTP (nothing really happens, which is also bad)
Reintroducing DA (e.g. via medication)
- Indirect pathway –> aberrant learning (inappropriate LTP) needs to be reversed first before “normal” functioning can continue
- Direct pathway –> no reversal needed, normal functioning resumes
A3: How can BG dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) be extrapolated from motor to other problems?
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) affects DA modulation which plays a role in all functional BG loops, not just the motor loop.
(Hast du da noch was anderes an info?)
A3: Explain the Cools et al. (2001) experiment on cognitive set flexibility
- Methods
Task: subjects had to switch between letter- and digit-naming task every 2nd trial as indicated by colour of stimulus window
Stimuli: two characters presented side by side, could be task-relevant or irrelevant
- No-cross-talk condition: irrelevant stimulus was neutral, easy to focus on relevant stimulus
- Cross-talk condition: irrelevant stimulus was related to irrelevant task in 67% of trials
A3: Explain the Cools et al. (2001) experiment on cognitive set flexibility
- Results
PD –> slower RT/more errors vs. control
PD –> slower RT/more errors in cross-talk condition vs. no-cross-talk
PD –> in cross-talk condition, bigger RT increase due to switch vs. healthy (group x switch) –> PD had larger switch-costs
- > difficulty focusing on one task when competing info is present
- > difficulty switching between tasks despite clear cue on what task to do
PD patients have specific deficit for set-shifting when competing info is presented –> proof that BG function goes beyond motor selection –> apart from cognitive, also motivational/affective/eye movement impairments
A4: Present evidence for the role of the BG in decision-making (vs. cerebral cortex)
- Grillner et al.
- Evolutionary evidence (Lee et al.)
- Neuropsychological evidence (Cools et al)
- Decorticated cats still showed goal-directed movement
- > subcortical structures must be sufficient to process meaningful voluntary movement
Evolutionary evidence, Lee:
- Species without fully developed neocortex can make decisions
- BG is a non-cortical, old region of convergence (striatum, Haber 2016)
- BG may be more important in dealing with environment than cortex
Neuropsychological evidence
- Cools: Parkinson’s Disease –> deficit in focusing on one task & rule switching when 2 options are competing (part of decision-making)
- BG lesion in rats: inability to make flexible, goal-directed decisions
- Ballot Box model fits here
BG pathways as votes for/against a decision
A5: How might the BG contribute to working memory (WM)? Give biological evidence
WM is limited in capacity & needs constant updating; this requires:
- input control (processes to store relevant info in WM)
- output control (select output to perform a task)
- reallocation (remove irrelevant information if its utility/relevance decreases)
BG: “gate” for motor control & possibly also WM
Evidence from striatum
- 2 classes of MSN
Go cells –> D1 receptor –> open gate –> open information flow –> WM is updated for useful information
Nogo cells –> D2 receptor –> close gate –> blocks information flow –> WM updating is limited in the face of distracting information
A5: Explain the Chatman & Badre (2015) experiment which studied the role of the BG in working memory (WM)
Task: 2 item stimuli (one is task-relevant) + 1 context stimulus (which task to do?)
- Context before items –> selective input gating
- Context after items –> selective output gating
- Context between items –> WM reallocation
- All trials showed activation in PMd (dPreMC)
- Context before items
- > related to D1/D2 receptor effect on WM -> Input gating
- Context after items
- > More activity in rostral PMd (= PrePMd) -> Output gating
- > Part of this area increased coupling with BG
- Bilateral PrePMd activity predicted efficiency of selective output gating
- Bilateral coupling with BG predicted response variability - Context between items
- > New information given -> large benefit to behaviour performance but only after sufficient time passed
- > Subjects need some time to reallocate WM capacity occupied by the now irrelevant info
- Activity in ventral striatum related to encoding value of task-irrelevant stimuli
A6: Explain the classic models of direct-indirect pathway interaction:
- Go-Nogo
- Co-activation
- Competition
- Co-activation 2
- Current evidence
Classical Go-Nogo (Lee)
- Direct pathway activates behaviour A
- Indirect pathway stops it
- Serial actication -> 2 pathways cannot be active at the same time
- But evidence for coactivation
Co-activation model
- Direct pathway activates behaviour A
- Indirect pathway inhibits competing behaviour B
- Parallel activation -> both benefit the same behaviour
Competition model
- Direct pathway activates behaviour A
- Indirect pathway stops it
- Parallel activation -> both pathways are now activated at same time but in competition
Co-activation 2 model
- Direct pathway activates behaviour A
- Indirect pathway releases tonic inhibition on behaviour A
- Parallel activation -> both benefit the same behaviour
Current evidence: combination of co-activation & competition
A6: Present the Ballot Box Model of BG functioning
Ballot model
- Cortex/thalamus/HC/AMY
Represent states of the world
Each send 1 signal = 1 representation = 1 vote for a certain action
- (dorsal) striatum
Integrates states & compares them
Finds common value of “votes” –> used to active direct and indirect pathway accordingly
A6: Ballot Model: Explain the Principle of contralateral & ipsilateral biases in the pathways
- Both pathways are active at the same time in both hemispheres and compete for action
Activity in direct pathway: contralateral bias
- Pro contralateral vote
- Against ipsilateral vote
Activity in indirect pathway: ipsilateral bias
- Anti contralateral vote
- Pro ipsilateral vote
A6: Present evidence for the Ballot model in mice from Lee et al.
Part 1: Value-based Probabilistic Task Methods: - Stimulation of either direct or indirect pathway + 2-alternatives choice task - Choice made via nose pokes - Feedback given 75% of time - Reward-side switched every 7-23 trials
- Stimulation of direct pathway
- -> induced contralateral bias
- Stimulation of indirect pathway
- -> induced ipsilateral bias
Part 2: Auditory Sensory Discrimination Task
- also choice task but using auditory sense, nose pokes & stimulation
- Stimulation of neuron A1 –> behavioural bias
- Inactivation of neuron A1 –> “anti-bias”
- > Activation of corticostriatal pathway is sufficient to bias choices
- > Inactivation of corticostriatal pathway created an “anti-bias”
A6: Compare the Ballot Box Model to the Go-Nogo model (Chatham & Badre) in relation to Working Memory (WM)
- Direct pathway/Go cells/D1
- -> open gates of WM –> support updating of WM
- -> facilitates information flow
- Indirect pathway/Nogo cells/D2
- -> close gates of WM –> limit updating of WM
- -> blocks information flow
Ballot Box
- Activity in direct pathway
- -> Contralateral bias vote
- Activity in indirect pathway
- -> Ipsilateral bias vote