Task 5 - Narcissistic Personality Disorder Flashcards
Narcissistic PD Characteristics
- act in dramatic, grandiose manner,
- seek admiration
- shallow in emotional expressions and relationships with others
- rely on self-evaluations
- view themselves as superior
- make unreasonable demands on others in interpersonal relationships
- mostly diagnosed in men
- lifetime prevalence 1%
Cognitive Theories of Narcissistic PD
- unrealistic assumptions about themselves as result of indulgence and overvaluation by s.o. in childhood
- may have developed self-view as defense against rejection
Treatment of Narcissistic PD
-tend to not seek treatment
Cognitive techniques: developing more realistic expectations of own abilities and more sensitivity to needs of other
-> Self-Challenging
-often do not remain in therapy once acute symptoms or interpersonal problems lessen
NPD diagnostic criteria DSM-5
A. impairment in personality functioning: 1. identity 2. self-direction: goal-setting to gain approval 3. empathy 4. intimacy (superficial) B. pathological personality traits: 1. Grandiosity 2. Attention-seeking
Narcissism: disconnect between Feeling and Relating
- prefrontal grey matter volume related to empathic functining
- are less accurate in recognizing emotional expressions in others
- deficits in emotion processing related to shame, fear, and anger
- > compromised empathic funcitoning in patients: have ability to feel but doesn’t translate into caring responsiveness
Narcissism therapy approach
Collaborative approach suggested:
- focus on unique and subjective personality functioning
- alliance building important to be able to tackle more delicate topics later in therapy
Narcissists and Relationships
Narcissistic self-love linked to game-playing love style (ludus) mediated by their need for power and autonomy
- less likely committed & perceived enhanced alternatives
- relationships source of power or control not to experience and express commitment
Narcissim & Social rejection
Narcissism associated with more internalized negative emotions after social rejection
- aggress more against someone who rejected them
- are more aggressive against innocent third-party after social rejection
- > social rejection as predictor of indirect and direct aggressive behavior in narcissists