Task 5 Flashcards
Heritability of Personality
.50-.65, little if any nonadditive (comparing MZ and HZ)
• Nearly always at least moderate factor even in attitudes
Environmental factors influence personality
decrease to near zero after adolescence
Behavioural genetic studies
studies of human twins and adoptees
Comparing identical and fraternal twins raised together
o Alternative to raised apart studies
o Any extra similarities of identicals is supposed to be caused by genes, double the difference and you get the heredity
Additive genetic influence
genes contributing separately to making ones level of trait a bit higher or lower
effects of genes can be estimated by adding together their sperate effects
Non-additive genetic effects
Effect is only seen if the person has two alleles, the effects depend on the presence or absence of other allele (specific combinations of traits)
How to detect non-additive effects
o when nonadditive genetic influences on a trait are important, identical twins will be considerably more than twice as similar as fraternal twins will be. If we see that identical twins are more than twice as similar as fraternal twins, this tells us that nonadditive genetic influences are involved
Common environment influences
o 2(heritability MZ – heritability DZ) the difference to the heritability is the influence of the environment o Or just compare biological unrelated persons that live in the same environment
Unique environmental influences
o Sampling siblings and determine which were treated differently by there parents an then compare it to same treated siblings, same with friend groups
o Or they just figure out how much variance in a trait is left over
o Caused by differences in parental treatment and different peer groups (only .15 correlation)
Assimilation effect
the tendency to emphasise similarities between related persons
Contrast effect
the tendency to emphasise differences between related persons (comparing to the other twin can falsify self-report)
Use other-report of someone who only knows one twin or behaviour Reports
Two assumptions for heritability of Personality
No assortative mating and no contrast/assimilation effect
Womb environment
features of the womb environment can constitute aspects both of the common and the unique (for normal siblings) environment (not significant)
Equal environment assumption
There is a influence of environment but it is rather small
Molecular genetic studies
identified different alleles that account for differences in Neurotransmitter production and are so weakly correlated to some traits (serotonin=harm avoidance dopamine=novelty seeking)