task 5 Flashcards
gamma motor neurone
A neuron whose axons form synapses with intrafusal muscle fibers.
three principles of sensorimotor system
- it is hierarchy ordered
> information flows from the highest level (association cortex) to the lowest (muscles)
> sensorimotor system differs from sensory system in terms of information direction
- efferent neurones: send impulses from CNS to limbs / organs
- afferent neurones: receive information from our sensory organs (eyes, skin) & transmit it to CNS
> functional segregation: sensory system contains functionally distinct areas that specialise in different kinds of analysis - motor output is guided by sensory input
> sensory feedback: feedback provided within sensory system where information from sensory receptors is returned along the afferent pathways -> brain can monitor consequences of action
- ballistic movements: occur too fast to be modified by feedback - learning changes nature & locus of sensorimotor control
> sensorimotor learning: at first each individual response (movement) is performed under conscious control -> after ‘learning’ (practice / repetitions) these responses become more organised & are performed without conscious regulation
sensorimotor association cortex
association cortex is at the top of sensorimotor hierarchy and is divided into two areas:
> posterior parietal association cortex &
> dorsolateral parietal association cortex
posterior parietal association cortex
location / functions
consists of the portion of parietal neocortex posterior to primary somatosensory cortex (= postcentral gyrus)
> among its functions: perception & memory of spatial relationships / reaching / grasping / control of eye movement / direction of attention
> sensory input comes in and motor output goes out
-> as requirement, nervous system must know:
a. original position of parts of body that are to be moved
b. positions of any external objects with which body is going to interact during movement
it provides spatial information to guid behaviour & direct attention:
> input: receives information from three sensory systems that play role in localisation of external objects in space
- visual system -> occipital lobe
- auditory system -> superior temporal gyrus
- somatosensory system -> postcentral gyrus
> output: after receiving information, it sends it out to areas of motor cortex
- dorsolateral prefrontal association cortex
- areas os secondary motor cortex
- frontal eye field -> small area of prefrontal cortex that controls eye movement
consequences of damaged posterior parietal cortex
apraxia: disorder of voluntary movement
> when told to make specific movements, patients have difficulty
> are able to perform them unconsciously though
contralateral neglect: disturbance of ability to respond to stimuli on side of body opposite to side of brain lesion
> egocentric (self-to-object): represents location of objects in space relative to the body axes of self
> allocentric (object-to-object): encoded information about location of object or its parts with respect to other objects -> location of object is defined relative to location of another object
dorsolateral prefrontal association cortex
consists of portion of frontal cortex anterior to precentral gyrus
> among its functions: evaluation of external stimuli / initiation of voluntary reactions to them / motor sequences under conscious control (=newly learned)
> interacts with posterior parietal cortex to initiate voluntary movements
> input: receives information from posterior parietal cortex
> output: sends information to areas of secondary motor cortex / primary motor cortex / frontal eye field
dorsolateral neurones: what sends information out
> activity of them is dependent on several factors:
- location of objects
- characteristics of objects
- combination of them two
> these neurones tend to fire first in response -> suggests that decisions to initiate voluntary movement may be in this area of cortex
consequences of damaged dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
confabulation: inability to distinguish a true memory from a false memory or from a memory inappropriate for context
> due that dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is important for metamemory -> it decides whether retrieved memory is plausible for given context, does strategic searching of memory store & temporally delivers memories
secondary motor cortex
location / functions
located in posterior of frontal gyri extending medially
> among its function: storage of programs motor activity resulted from past experience / control of sequences of movement / control of spatial & postural orientation movements / control of bimanual movements
> > input: receives information from areas of association cortex (both posterior & dorsolateral prefrontal cortex)
output: sends information to the primary motor cortex & most areas of this cortex are thought to be involved in programming of specific patterns of movement
secondary motor cortex
functional areas
8 areas in each hemisphere:
1. supplementary motor area (SMA), Area 6: wraps over the top of frontal lobe and extends down its medial surface into longitudinal fissure; anterior to primary motor cortex
> function: control of internally generated movement / programming specific sequences of movement after taking instructions from dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
> three different areas: SMA / preSMA / supplementary eye field
- premotor cortex (PMA), Area 6: runs in a strip from the supplementary motor area to the lateral fissure; anterior to PMC
> function: control of externally generated movement / learning & executing complex movement guided by sensory information
> two different areas: dorsal & ventral PMA - cingulate motor areas: three small areas in the cortex of cingulate gyrus
mirror neurones
neurones that fire when an individual performs a particular goal-directed hand movement or when the same individual observes the same goal-directed movement being performed by another
> neurones match observed behaviour with internal motor representation of that behaviour
> its discovery provided insight possible mechanism for social cognition: knowledge of the perceptions / ideas / intensions of others
> its existence has not been yet confirmed in human brain
primary motor cortex
located in precentral gyrus of frontal lobe; often called M1 or Area 4
> function: controls parts of body that are capable of intricate movements (e.g. hands / mouth)
> major point of convergence of cortical sensorimotor signals
consequences of damaged PMC
large lesions may:
> disrupt a person’s ability to move one body part independently of others
> produce astereognosis: inability to identify an object by active touch of the hands without other sensory input (visual / sensory)
> reduce speed / accuracy / force of movements
lesions do not eliminate voluntary movement: there are parallel pathways that fo not pass through the PMC to reach the secondary motor areas
constitutes 10% of brain mass and 50%+ of brain’s neurones
> among its functions: precise control over movements / performance of everyday voluntary tasks such as waking & writing / essential to being able to stay balanced & upright
constitutes 10% of brain mass and 50%+ of brain’s neurones
> among its functions: precise control over movements / performance of everyday voluntary tasks such as waking & writing / essential to being able to stay balanced & upright
> plays major role in motor learning (of sequences) in which timing is critical
- cerebellar circuits include a system that measures time -> feeds calculations to primary motor cortex -> sends signal to muscles
ensures that when one set of muscle initiates a movement the opposing set of muscles acts as a break -> body part in question arrives accurately at its target
cerebellum is systematically organised in lobes / columns / layers
> > input: receives information from:
- primary motor cortex
- secondary motor cortex
- descending signals from brain stem motor nuclei
- sensory feedback from motor responses from the somatosensory & vestibular systems
> > output: compares these sources and corrects ongoing movement that deviates from their intended course
consequences of damaged cerebellum
> asynergia: loss of ability to maintain proper muscle coordination
loss of ability to adapt patterns of motor output to changing conditions
difficulty maintaining a steady posture -> attempts to do so lead to tremors
disturbances in balance / gait / speech/ control of eye movement
difficulty learning new motor sequences
basal ganglia
Action plans that are made in the parietal and frontal brain areas are fed down to the basal ganglia and then routed, via the thalamus, back up to the SMA and PMC before execution.
> basal ganglia are thought to act as filter -> blocking plans that are inappropriate
-> e.g. inhibiting automatic, environment-triggered responses such as grasping food
neural loop: they receive cortical input form various cortical areas, including those areas known to have cognitive functions and transmit it back to cortex via thalamus
> > input: receive input from:
- primary motor cortex
primary somatosensory cortex
substantia nigra -> dopamine
> > output: transmit information to:
- primary motor cortex
- supplementary motor area
- premotor cortex