Task 4 - Conditioning Flashcards
Name the four basic terms in classical conditioning
US -> Unconditioned stimulus
CS -> Conditioned stimulus
UR -> Natural / Unconditioned response to the US
CR -> Conditioned response
Appetitive Conditioning
Conditioning where the US is a positive event
Aversive Conditioning
Conditioning where the US is a negative event
What are the CS, US, UR and CR in the “eye-blink paradigm”?
CS: Tone
US: Air puff
UR: blinking
CR: Eyeblink (in response to tone)
What are conditioned compensatory responses and why do they occur?
- > They are learnt responses in anticipation of a certain stimulus, which will decrease the stimulus’ effect.
- > They occur because our bodies want to maintain homeostasis.
What are US-modulatory theories?
Conditioning theories that say that how a stimulus is associated with an US (through conditioning) is determined by the resulting change in how the US is processed
What are CS-modulatory theories?
They focus more on the attentional aspect. The way attention is given to different CS’s determines which one of them becomes more associated with the US.
Name one popular case for each of the types of modulatory theories.
- US-modulatory: Rescorla-Wagner-Model
- CS- modulatory: Mackintosh’s Limited processing capacity
What does Mackintosh say with his theory about “limited processing capacity”?
He says that paying attention to one stimulus will decrease the attention we can give to another one. If we give attention to a certain stimulus is determined by this stimulus’s previous success in predicting the US.
Name the core assumptions of the Rescorla-Wagner Model.
- A cue has a certain weight, that predicts the US
- Learning corresponds to an increase in cue weight and a corresponding reduction in prediction error
What is a prediction error and what are its consequences?
- > Falsely anticipating the US after experiencing the CS
- > Reduces the cue weight of the CS
What are the weaknesses of the Rescorla-Wagner Model?
- Can’t explain latent inhibition
- Can’t describe how attention is modulated during learning
- Doesn’t account for the influence of the Hippocampus
What is latent inhibition?
If a cue has been presented without predicting anything for multiple times, learning about a CS-US connection with this particular CS is inhibited
- The Hippocampus is necessary for this.
How can the prediction error be calculated mathematically?
Actual US - expected US
How can the increase in predictive value / cue weight be calculated mathematically?
Learning rate * prediction error