Task 4 Flashcards
Define ‘assertiveness’.
Considering both your rights AND mine in a conflict situation.
Indicate position applied for, employer name, AND Be able to respond to:
1. Tell me about yourself
degrees —work experience
specific software skills (wpm, programs, operating systems, web page design)
Awards received, certifications earned, community service
Interpersonal & thinking skills
2a. Describe a difficult WORK SITUATION you had to deal with.
b. What did you do?
c.What were the results of your actions?
(pick a story with GOOD results!) (answer all 3 questions related to this situation)
Branch Banking Banker IV BB&T 1. 2a. b. c.
List 4 Interview Prep techniques (extra < 3).
positive Attitude Practice with others Scope out the area Extra resumes Research the company Names of interviewers Dress code taking Notes is ok
Recite Covey’s Habits 4, 5, and 6.
- Think Win Win.
- Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood.
- Synergize.
Chapter 9 Harassment:
a) What are key words you could say to the aggressor to back him (her) off?
b) 2 body language moves?
c) If this ‘hovercraft’ kept at it, what then would you do? T W D C
a) no, leave me alone, not interested
b) the flinch, eye roll
c) tell someone, witnesses, document dates and places, complain
Chapter 10 List 4 psychological ways FOR YOU to manage stress better.
Help NO Reduce activities Boundaries Prioritize Laugh!
What might YOU do to help calm your NERVES when stressed? (any 2)
Chamomile tea
Lavender aromatherapy
A general medical practice that focuses on nutrition, exercise, sleep, breathing, flexibility and getting patients to calm down their busy lifestyles so their bodies can heal and function normally is known as “_______________ medicine.”
Best source of CA?
green, leafy vegetables
Best source of Vitamin D?
the Sun
Unhealthy effect of micro-waving?
Destroys nutrients in food that protect us against disease.
Symptoms of Mercury poisoning?
harmful effects on a fetus, abdominal pain, kidney failure, vision and hearing loss, memory loss, respiratory distress
Highest Mercury fish?
lake trout, snapper, halibut, marlin, shark, swordfish, tuna
Lowest Mercury fish?
fish sticks, flounder, haddock, wild pacific salmon, shrimp
Harmful effects of red meat?
high in saturated fat, increases inflammation, risk of mad cow disease