Task 1 - Voluntary Motor Control Flashcards
Cerebellum: movement control center
Brain Stem: vital functions + relay station from cerebrum to spinal cord
Spinal cord: communication between brain & skin, joints, muscles
-> dorsal root: afferent, ventral root: efferent
Somatic PNS: all spinal nerves innervating skin, joints muscles under voluntary motor control
- motor axons
- sensory axons
- ANS/Visceral PNS: neurons innervating internal organs, blood vessels, glands
Motor System levels
High: association areas of neocortex & basal ganglia
-> Strategy
Middle: motor cortex & cerebellum
-> tactics
Low: brain stem & spinal cord
-> execution
all relies on sensory information except for ballistic movements
Ballistic movements
Brief all-or-none high speed movements
-> don’t rely/ are not influenced by sensory feedback
High level motor systems
Association areas of neocortex & basal ganglia
- > strategy: fiture out goal of movement and best strategy
- sensory info from cortex about spatial information and alternatives are filtered through basal ganglia
Middle level momtor systems
Motor cortex & cerebellum
- > tactics: sequences of muscle contractions to smoothly and accurately achieve goal
- basd on memory of sensory info fom past movements
- translation of action goals into movement instructions for lower level
Low level motor systems
Brain stem & spinal cord
- > Execution: activate neurons generating the goal directed movements & necessary adjustments of posture
- motor neurons + interneurons
- sensory feedback used to maintain posture, muscle lenght + tension before & after each voluntary movement
Posterior Parietal Cortex
Directs behavior by providing spatial information,
Area 5: input from primary somatosesnroy cortical areas
Area 7: input from higher order visual areas
-largely connected to PFC
-> damage produces deficits in perception and memory of spatial relationships (Apraxia, Contralateral negleect)
- loss of skilled action
- Difficulty of performing movements when asked about it out of context, can readily perform movement in natural situations
- > results from parietal cortex lesions
Contralateral Neglect
inability of a person to process and perceive stimuli on the opposite side of the brain damage even though they can be subconsiously perceived
Prefrontal Cortex
Makes decisions about what actions to take & their likely outcome
- > evaluation of external stimuli perceived by parietal cortex
- > Posterior parietal + PFC together encode what actions are desired and send axon to area 6
Planning (secondary motor areas)
Supplementary Motor Area (SMA)
Premotor Area (PMA)
-convert info about what action is desired into how the action will be carried out
-> programming specific patterns of movment after receiving instructions from PFC,
-output to primary motor cortex
-each has own somatotopic map
-> lesions lead to apraxia
Supplementary Motor Area (SMA)
- sends axons directly to innervate distal motor units
- interconnected with M1/area 4
- strong connections with PFC
- fires about a second before action
Premotor Area (PMA)
Primarily connects with reticulospinal neurons innervating proximal motor neurons
Ideomotor Apraxia
still have rough sense of desirec action but problems with proper execution