Tarot Flashcards
Career, Creativity, Ambition, the Will
Relationships, Love, Emotions, Intuition
Mind, Society, Conflict, Ego
Money, Health, Work, Material, the Body
an opportunity for…
A force of…
an understanding of…
a stabilization of…
a challenge in…
a victory in…
feelings about/ambition in…
logic or humility in…
the fulfillment of…
an abundance or excess of…
Intellectual application to/governing influence on…
receptive, guiding, intuitive, influence on…
someone taking action on…
young, naive, student of…
0 The Fool
Potential, adventure, hope, beginnings, trust, innocence, void, nothing and everything “no thing”
Cosmic: Uranus
Tao Te Ching: Verse 55
Natural Principle: Mentalism (all is mind)
Chord: E Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Aleph (ox)
Colour: Yellow
Element: Air
I The Magician; Magus
will, attention, skill, talent, innovation, concentration, inspiration, focus
Cosmic: Mercury
Tao Te Ching: Verse 16
Natural Principle: Correspondence (As Above; So Below)
Chord: E Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Beth (house)
Colour: Yellow
Element: Air
II The High Priestess
secrets, intuition, unconsciousness, receptivity, mystery, records, the divine
Cosmic: Moon
Tao Te Ching: Verse 43
Sense/Ability: Memory (Access to cosmic records [collective unconscious] or personal bank of records [subconscious])
Chord: G Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Gimel (camel)
Colour: Blue
Element: Water
III The Empress
Abundance, birth, beauty, motherhood, love, creation, expression, art, life, imagery, imagination
Cosmic: Venus
Tao Te Ching: Verse 51
Chord: F Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Dalath (door)
Colour: Green
Element: Earth
IV The Emperor
Reason, authority, foundation, stability, organization, rules, leadership, restriction
Cosmic: Aries
Tao Te Ching: Verse 58
Sepher Yetzirah: Sight (clear seeing)
Chord: C Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Heh (window)
Colour: Red
Element: Fire
V The Hierophant
instruction, tradition, mysteries, doctrine, guide/teacher, knowledge, wisdom, inner hearing
Cosmic: Taurus
Tao Te Ching: Verse 14
Sepher Yetzirah: Hearing (related to inner hearing of our inner guide)
Chord: C Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Vau (nail)
Colour: Red-Orange
Element: Earth
VI The Lovers
attraction, harmony, intimacy, love, relationship, vulnerability, transparency, discernment, balance
Cosmic: Gemini
Tao Te Ching: Verse 28
Sepher Yetzirah: Smell (i.e. the intuitive ability to “sniff out”)
Natural Principle: Gender (Gender Is In Everything; Gender Manifests On All Planes)
Chord: D Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Zain (sword)
Colour: Orange
Element: Air
VII The Chariot
conquest, integration, victory, travel, command, focus, drive, momentum, motivation
Cosmic: Cancer
Tao Te Ching: Verse 1
Sepher Yetzirah: Speech (the power of the word)
Chord: D Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Cheth (fence)
Colour: Orange-Yellow
Element: Water
VIII Strength
Power, strength, influence, fusion, kundalini, suggestion
Cosmic: Leo
Tao Te Ching: Verse 30
Sepher Yetzirah: Taste (Related to appetite or the process of digestion - physically or psychically)
Chord: E Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Tet (Serpent)
Colour: Yellow
Element: Fire
IX The Hermit
illumination, enlightenment, isolation, guidance, awareness, meditation, the inner self
Cosmic: Virgo
Tao Te Ching: Verse 37
Sepher Yetzirah: Touch (Making contact with the divine)
Chord: F Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Yod (hand)
Colour: Yellow-Green
Element: Earth
Mundane Manifestation: 8 of Cups
X Wheel of Fortune; Fortune
cycles, chance, rotation, fate, fortune, destiny, patterns, karma
Cosmic: Jupiter
Tao Te Ching: Verse 29
Natural Principle: Rhythm (All Things Rise and Fall; Rhythm Compensates)
Chord: A Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Caph (fist)
Colour: Violet
Element: Fire
XI Justice
equilibrium, balance, law, equity, legality, action, cause and effect
Cosmic: Libra
Tao Te Ching: Verse 8
Sepher Yetzirah: Work
Natural Principle: Cause and Effect
Chord: F Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Lamed (ox goad)
Colour: Green
Element: Air
XII Hanged Man
reversal, suspension, surrender, pause, surrender, perspective
Cosmic: Neptune
Tao Te Ching: Verse 22
Natural Principle: Law of Reversal & Principal of Polarity
Chord: G Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Mem (water)
Colour: Blue
Element: Water
XIII Death
transformation, change, movement, disintegration, release, liberation
Cosmic: Scorpio
Tao Te Ching: Verse 35
Sepher Yetzirah: Movement
Chord: G Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Nun (fish)
Colour: Blue-Green
Element: Water
XIV Temperance
combination, vibration, alchemy, equilibrium, temperance, moderation, practice, trial, initiation
Cosmic: Sagittarius
Tao Te Ching: Verse 77
Sepher Yetzirah: Wrath
Natural Principle: Vibration (Nothing Rests; Everything Moves)
Chord: G Sharp
Colour: Blue
Hebrew Letter-Word: Samekh (prop)
Element: Fire
XV Devil
bondage, corruption, limitation, imprisonment, materialism, misunderstanding, irritation, obscurity, falsity
Cosmic: Capricorn
Tao Te Ching: Verse 2
Sepher Yetzirah: Mirth
Chord: A Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Ayin (eye)
Colour: Blue-Violet
Element: Earth
XVI The Tower
awakening, destruction, cleansing, upheaval, shock, miscommunication, chaos, illumination, catastrophe
Cosmic: Mars
Tao Te Ching: Verse 36
Chord: C Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Peh (mouth)
Colour: Red
Element: Fire
XII The Star
revelation, medication, knowledge, quest, hope, insight, spirituality
Cosmic: Aquarius
Tao Te Ching: Verse 62
Sepher Yetzirah: Meditation
Chord: A Sharp
Hebrew Letter-Word: Tzaddi (fishhook)
Colour: Violet
Element: Air
XVIII The Moon
Organization, dreams, subconsciousness, instinct, shadows, illusion
Cosmic: Pisces
Tao Te Ching: Verse 52
Sepher Yetzirah: Sleep
Chord: B Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Qoph (back of head)
Colour: Violet-Red
Element: Water
XIX The Sun
regeneration, authenticity, liberation, joy, vitality, rebirth
Cosmic: Sun
Tao Te Ching: Verse 23
Chord: D Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Resh (head)
Colour: Orange
Element: Fire
XX Judgement; The Aeon
Realization, rebirth, calling, renewal, evolution; Singularity, the Call, the New World
Cosmic: Pluto
Tao Te Ching: Verse 39
Chord: C Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Shin (fire)
Colour: Red
Element: Water
XXI The World; The Universe
Cosmic-Consciousness, completion, connection, success, perfection, celebration; The All, One, divinity, “every thing”
Cosmic: Saturn
Tao Te Ching: Verse 25
Chord: A Natural
Hebrew Letter-Word: Tau (cross)
Colour: Blue-Violet
Element: Earth