Numerology Flashcards
0 - Zero
“Nothingness is the basis of everything.” -Sadhguru
0 represents the realm of no-thing, as all things collect here and live without space, delineations, or definitions. In this way, you could even look at 0 as being everything and nothing all at once. It is also one of the only numbers you can repeat over and over again without lifting your writing tool, which further emphasizes its connection to infinity and the All. 0 is pre-form. It is where all things come from and where all things eventually go. It is a vast space where ideas and inspiration live. It is all-encompassing. In Genesis, it reads “the earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep.” While our conception of a darkened void may sound scary, 0 actually offers much in the way of hope and possibility because, in the stage of preconception, all things are possible.
Associations: Space, The Principle of Mentalism, Void, No-Thing, Super-Consciousness
Keywords: Potentiality, Possibility, Void, Nothingness, Everything
Tarot: The Fool
1 - One
“The ‘Intelligence of Will’ denotes that this is the path where each individual ‘created being’ is ‘prepared’ for the spiritual quest by being made aware of the higher and divine ‘will’ of the creator.” -Israel Regardie
1 is something out of nothing (0); manifestation from the void of possibility. This isn’t a natural birth in the way that we know it. The number 1, flowing from 0, is beyond conception. This is why we see it in terms of beginnings. Like a spark, a flame, the first single cell…the number 1 denotes origin out of inspiration and will. The number 1 marks beginnings. It is the number of the individual, the point of origin, the singularity. The number 1 encompasses a great deal of power which it utilizes to direct its will and begin the process of manifestation. It reminds us that in order to create, we must begin with a fixed point of attention and then direct it outward.
Associations: A Dot, A Vertical Line, Kether, Self-Consciousness
keywords: Beginnings, Individuality, Will Power, Seed, Innovation
Tarot: The Magician, The Aces
2 - Two
“For I am divided for love’s sake, for the chance of union” -Aleister Crowley
2 is 1 looking back on itself. It is a mirror or a reflection. It is the only number that cannot make a shape that connects itself wholly. It is parallel. The number 2 marks the beginning of definition, discernment, and association. Here, we can begin comparing “this” to “that”. It is symbolic of duality, opposites, and polarities. The number 2 is like a mirror where we can get to know ourselves through our connection with others and the world around us. It is often associated with relationships, partnership, and union for this reason. It is also the number of intuition and the subconscious realm. This is because as we navigate our lives, we take in so much information that gets stored as memory. Some of that is accessible by the conscious mind, but much of it lives in deeper recesses which only our intuitive faculties (insight or instinct) can access.
Associations: A Horizontal Line, Polarity, Pillars, A Mirror, Chokmah, Sub-Consciousness
Keywords: Intuition, Duality, Discernment, Opposites, Relationships, Polarity, Balance, Reflection, Receptivity
Tarot: The High Priestess, 2 of Pentacles, 2 of Swords, 2 of Wands, 2 of Cups
3 - Three
“You are given the gift of the [Divine]; you create your reality according to your beliefs; yours is the creative energy that makes your world; there are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.” -Seth
3 is synthesis because it is what happens when 1 and 2 come together. It is the offspring. 3 forms a triangle and thus symbolizes the holy trinity, body-mind-spirit connection and many other sacred concepts. 3 also relates to the tri-nature of man, one of which can be expressed by contemplating these distinct aspects of our being: the thinker, the thing being thought and the one observing this process. The number 3 shows up across many systems in significant ways. It represents the body, mind spirit connection. It also symbolizes the father, son, and holy ghost. The number 3 is related to our 3 modes of consciousness - self-consciousness (male), sub-consciousness (female), and super-consciousness (spirit). Alchemically, 3 shows up in the form of Salt, Sulfur, and Mercury. The number 3 brings together the essence of the ones before it thus forming a triad and the point at which creativity becomes known. In an Earthly sense, the number 3 is said to be expressive, dynamic, artistic, extroverted, and interested in community. The number 3 values freedom and expansion and will push beyond rules to find its own unique way.
Associations: A Triangle, The Three States of Consciousness, The Holy Trinity, Briah
Keywords: Creativity, Expression, Vitality, Artistry, Community, Expansion, Birth, Generation, Synthesis
Tarot: The Empress, 3 of Pentacles, 3 of Swords, 3 of Wands, 3 of Cups
4 - Four
“Covering oneself, surrounding oneself with shapes and colors that correspond to a plan, mean that that plan is beginning to be realized.” -Joséphin Péladan
After creativity comes stability and structure as represented by the sturdy and orderly square. It puts borders and frames around our ideas, while also protecting them and keeping them safe. This is why 4 is often seen as an authority figure or a leader. It is built strong, with a firm foundation, and a surety about its place in the world. The number 4 is representative of all that is solid, sturdy, and secure. It is a very Earthly number as it deals with barriers and form. Consider the shape of a square, the sturdiness of 4 walls, the 4 cardinal directions, the 4 seasons etc. 4 represents order and formation. It is well-balanced, steady, and hard-working. The number 4 wouldn’t cut corners. It understands that all good things begin with a solid base. When the foundation is weak, cracks begin to form. The number 4 is the planner and the organizer because it understands that the details support the whole.
Associations: The 4 Elements, The 4 Directions, A Square, The 4 Seasons, A Cross, Chesed
Keywords: Steadiness, Stability, Security, Authority, Organization, Foundation, Form, Measurement
Tarot: The Emperor, 4 of Pentacles, 4 of Swords, 4 of Wands, 4 of Cups
5 - Five
“But the attitude of faith is to let go, and become open to truth, whatever it might turn out to be.” -Alan Watts
If 4 creates structure, then 5 is what breaks it. 5 also represents man (4 fingers and a thumb), which in many ways cuts through evolution, marking a clear distinction between us and animals. It is a tricky point in the cycle and in humanity as it signifies a period of trial, marred by waves of change, before we can ascend. 5 falls in the centre of the 1-9 number sequence and therefore, it speaks to flux, reformulation, and change. The number 5 takes what has already been established through the previous sequence of numbers and then looks to readjust itself. This is the energy of change and expansion. It may denote wise decision-making skills, as the best way to navigate wavy currents, rather than emotional reactions. The number 5 also plays off the numbers before it as 4 represents the 4 elements and 5 adds to this with the inclusion of spirit. In other words, it represents evolution because underneath the apparent volatile nature of the number 5 lies the motivation to expand and grow. This can feel uncomfortable if we don’t understand the inherently positive nature of these things. If we can accept that change happens for us and not to us, then the energy of 5 can be both understood and embraced for what it is.
Associations: A Pentagram, Venus, The 5 senses, The 5 Elements (including spirit), Man (4 fingers and thumb), Geburah
Keywords: Configuration, Flux, Change, Freedom, Dynamism, Decisions, Reconciliation, Evolution
Tarot: The Hierophant, 5 of Pentacles, 5 of Swords, 5 of Wands, 5 of Cups
6 - Six
“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” -Mark Twain
The number 6 delivers us from turbulent waters and puts us in touch with the virtues needed to live a high and righteous life. The number 6 carries with it an energy of service. It represents the nature of giving, our love for ourselves and others, and our innate desire for harmony in all facets of our life. Matters of home and relationships factor into the number 6. It is a conscientious energy that sees the beauty all around it. In this way, the number 6 is a bit like the gardener of the bunch. It uses the resources available, including love and care, to grow something meaningful and pleasing to the senses. It can sniff out when its efforts are helping or hurting and seeks to adjust itself to bring things back in balance.
Associations: A 6 Pointed Star, A Hexagon, Tipharet
Keywords: Love, Service, Responsibility, Conscientiousness, Home, Beauty, Commitment, Harmony, Symmetry, Equity
Tarot: The Lovers, 6 of Pentacles, 6 of Swords, 6 of Wands, 6 of Cups
7 - Seven
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” -C.G. Jung
On the 7th day, God rested and this is the essence of 7. The number 7 doesn’t force answers, it waits for them to be revealed. This can be done by contemplation, reflection, or meditation. There is a lot to say about the number 7 as its significance is implied through many spiritual systems. The number 7 is quiet, still, unassuming and open. There is an intimate connection to divinity inherent in this number. Through whatever means appeals to it, the number 7 seeks to understand itself because it knows this is the path toward expanding consciousness. The number 7 connects us with our higher self and the divine will, through quiet reflection, helping us to plot our way forward by going within.
Associations: A Heptagon, The 7 Chakras, The 7 Ancient Planets, The 7 Musical Notes, The 7 Steps on Jacob’s Ladder, The 7 Seals, The 7 Alchemical Steps, 7 Days of Creation, 7 Colours of the Rainbow, Netzah
Keywords: Inspiration, Spirituality, Introspection, Meditation, Truth, Consciousness, Rest, Peace
Tarot: The Chariot, 7 of Pentacles, 7 of Swords, 7 of Wands, 7 of Cups
8 - Eight
“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.” -Swami Vivekananda
The number 8 is the only other number in this sequence (next to 0) that can be drawn in a never-ending motion. This represents the cyclic, rhythmic and infinite energy of the number 8. The number 8 knows that what goes around comes around, but that isn’t meant to be interpreted in a threatening way. It simply means that you reap what you sow and that with all cycles, everything is in constant motion. For this reason, vibration, movement, and vitality can also be applied to our understanding of this number. If we understand the nature of ourselves and the nature of our world, then we can act accordingly to ensure efficiency and success. The number 8 is driven and has a sense of its power. It knows that it will get out what it puts in and therefore, opts to use its energy wisely.
Associations: An Octagon, Infinity, Caduceus, Hod
Keywords: Power, Energy, Life-Force, Success, Effort, Causality, Law
Tarot: Strength (or Justice), 8 of Pentacles, 8 of Swords, 8 of Wands, 8 of Cups
9 - Nine
“I must let go of the life I’ve planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for me.” -Kumar Anupam
The number 9 acts as a consolidator. It takes everything it has so far acquired and much like in alchemy, seeks to refine itself further by eliminating what is no longer necessary and keeping only what is. The number 9 takes a selfless approach, understanding what is good for itself is good for the whole. The number 9 values simplicity and humanitarianism in its efforts to continually evolve itself. 9 is a lighthouse; shining its wisdom for all to see, while never forcing anyone or anything along the way.
Associations: An Enneagon, Yesod
Keywords: Consolidation, Refinement, Completion, Reflection, Release, Acceptance, Endings, Humanitarianism
Tarot: The Hermit, 9 of Pentacles, 9 of Swords, 9 of Wands, 9 of Cups
10 - Ten
“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.” - Richard Bach
10 represents the end of one cycle while in the midst of a new one beginning. It is like the first step on the next set of stairs, one octave higher than the set before. It includes the numbers 1 and 0 which symbolize the individual willpower reaching into the void to begin again. It further emphasizes the cyclic and rhythmic nature of numbers, tarot, and our lives.
Associations: A Decagon, 10 spheres on the Tree of Life, The 10 Commandments, Value of Yod, Malkuth
Keywords: Endings, Beginnings, Cycles, Rhythm, Karma
Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune, 10 of Pentacles, 10 of Swords, 10 of Wands, 10 of Cups